He stayed at the Cecil Hotel and his life changed forever: Morbid, the Mexican metalhead accused of the murder of Elisa Lam


Credit: Jovani Perez
Credit: Jovani Perez

When one of the employees of the Cecil Hotel found the corpse of Elisa lam, the young Asian girl who caused a sensation in 2013 for her “mysterious” disappearance, a considerable handful of YouTubers and influencers have not hesitated to point and incriminate – without more evidence than their own conjectures – a Mexican musician of Black Metal.

From the point of view of these “detectives” (users trying to solve crimes from the comfort of their desks), everything was going perfectly.

Pablo C. Vergara, also known as Morbid (his stage name), he had posted a rather strange video on his YouTube account where he appeared filming himself in one of the rooms of the macabre hotel in Los Angeles, the same where the 21-year-old tourist had accidentally disappeared.

They also considered as “proof” certain lyrics of their songs, in which, in addition to repeating the commonplaces of “death” and “violence”, Vergara spoke of a dead woman drowned in the sea. But what was even more suspect for them is that at another point in the song he literally said the word “China”. Two things that correspond to Lam’s nationality and his cause of death.

(Photo: special)
(Photo: special)

Soon after, as if he wanted to add more fuel to the blaze, the artist uploaded a video that included notorious references to notorious murderers Ted Bundy and Elizabeth Short (the Black Dahlia), spawning even more of suspicion that he did not already weigh on him. It also didn’t help that various media accused him of being “satanic”..

Vergara didn’t know any of this until one day he got out of bed and saw that a friend had sent him a link to a Taiwanese news program that directly linked him to the death of the young Chinese Canadian.

From that point on, his social networks were filled with hate messages and baseless accusations.

As he explained in the Netflix miniseries, “Crime scene: disappearance at the Cecil hotelThe same office of the Attorney General (PGJ) of Mexico came knocking on his door to ask him if “by chance” he was not linked to a recent satanic ritual.

Elevator room at the Cecil hotel.

He was surprised, confused … Before this moment, he had never heard of Elisa Lam», He justified.

The next thing he did was post another video to assert his innocence, but far from calming the situation, he ended up provoking the opposite, and once again a wave of cyberbullying hit him that l ‘even led at one point, according to him, to consider suicide.

To be honest, they don’t care. There were only false accusations, death threats, every day. Every week. There was no escape. At a time like this, when you feel so much hate and just negativity, there is something breaking in your mind, something clicks.», He detailed.

However, in a short period of time, the authorities acquitted him of the investigation because they were able to verify that on the same date of Elisa Lam’s death, he was in Mexico to record his new album; also had enough documentation to prove it.

They went on with their lives like nothing, but they really changed mine.», He confessed.


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