She fell in love with her pregnant daughter’s boyfriend and ran away with him while she was giving birth


Unusual story that happened in England. Jess aldridge, a 24-year-old woman, was giving birth to her second child while her mother ran away with her husband. Then, found out that they both had a long-standing affair.

After giving birth, the young woman realized that the grandmother of her children, Georgina, had run away with her husband. After the story aired, she spoke to British media The sun, where she said how hurt she was by the whole situation. “This is the ultimate betrayal. We hope the grandmother falls in love with the baby, not the father“, He said.

Jess and Ryan Shelton have been in a relationship for three years, living together almost from day one. In September 2019, the couple’s first daughter was born, and a few months later became pregnant again. As the department was too small for them, they must have moved with their mother.

There it all started. “They usually drank Bacardi and laughed together. They joked in the kitchen every night while Eric (her mother’s husband, 56) and I were on the couch watching TV. One day, suspicious, I confronted them, but when I asked them they denied everything», He assured.

Jess and Ryan. (Photo: Jess Aldridge / Instagram)

However, This fear would eventually be confirmed on January 28. A few minutes after giving birth, her husband left the hospital with the excuse “that he was tired”. The young woman spent three days at the clinic and Ryan he only accompanied her in the seconds following the birth of the baby.

Back home, Jess found the grim relationship on their lips. Ryan and Georgina admitted to being in love and, in addition, they told him that they lived together for a long time. “It was a huge kick in the teeth for me, they had everything planned during my pregnancy. My father is devastated, ”he says.

“They made excuses to spend time together and left me at home alone. What they have done is disgusting and vile. How am I supposed to explain to everyone that the children’s father and grandmother are in a relationship? I can’t believe all this madness, ”he concluded.

The most awaited word

After all the controversy and barrage of criticism they have received, Georgina Aldridge Dear God. The mother of the young woman maintained, without any remorse, that “these things happen”.

Ryan himself also came to face the comments. The man argued that “He doesn’t care what other people think” and even revealed that he had already changed his status on Facebook, telling the world about his love for the lady. “The opinions of others don’t bother me at all. I know what happened. There are two sides to every story and I know the right one is ours“Said in The sun.


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