Joe Biden’s candidate for the head of the CIA warned of the Chinese threat: “This is our greatest geopolitical challenge.”


William Burns, candidate for the leadership of the Central Intelligence Agency (EFE / EPA / Tom Williams)
William Burns, candidate for the leadership of the Central Intelligence Agency (EFE / EPA / Tom Williams)

China is America’s biggest threatPresident Joe Biden’s candidate for the head of the CIA said on Wednesday, William burns, who promised to guarantee the independence of the spy agency from the political world.

In an “increasingly complex and competitive” international scenario, the “predatory” attitude of the Chinese regime represents “our greatest geopolitical challenge”the former diplomat said during his hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is due to approve his appointment.

“Passing China will be key to our security for decades to come (…) This will require a long-term, lucid and bipartisan strategy, underpinned by national renewal and solid intelligence, ”he said.

Although Washington may cooperate with Beijing on key issues such as climate change or the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, the former State Department number two (2011-2014) warned that the Chinese regime “It methodically strengthens its capacity to steal intellectual property, suppresses its people, harasses its neighbors, extends its power in the world, and strengthens its influence in American society.”

Will Burns argued that Xi Jinping's regime posed the greatest threat to the United States (REUTERS / Denis Balibouse)
Will Burns argued that Xi Jinping’s regime posed the greatest threat to the United States (REUTERS / Denis Balibouse)

In recent years, the CIA has been the target of operations by Chinese intelligence services, which have recruited several American agents and diplomats.

Ten years ago, Beijing succeeded in dismantling a network of informants of American agencies in China.

Burns said the battle for the technological superiority of intelligence, including the use of artificial intelligence, will be a key part of his mission. He also advocated for Mandarin speaking recruiting officers.

Besides China, Russia, which he called “aggressive” and Iran, which he called “hostile”, are the other big threats to his country, according to Burns.

Looking back on his years as US ambassador to Moscow, between 2005 and 2008, the former diplomat said he learned “That it is always a mistake to underestimate the Russia of Vladimir Putin.” “Although in many ways Russia is a declining power, it can be just as disruptive” as emerging powers like China, he said.

William Burns is Joe Biden's candidate for the head of the CIA (REUTERS / Larry Downing) I
William Burns is Joe Biden’s candidate for the head of the CIA (REUTERS / Larry Downing) I

Burns, promoter of the dialogue with the Iranian regime that enabled the agreement on the 2015 nuclear program, said that The United States should “do everything possible to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.”

If the Senate confirms his appointment, as scheduled, Burns, 64, will replace Gina Haspel, the first woman to lead the CIA, whose career was marred by her controversial role in torture programs after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Biden’s candidate assured that the enhanced interrogation methods used in the aftermath of the attacks, “They will never be used by the CIA” under his leadership, and describes simulated drowning, one such technique, an “act of torture”.

Burns’ election aims to restore the agency’s independence, after critics of former President Donald Trump accused him of wanting to politicize the CIA. “Politics must end where the intelligence work begins,” Burns said, recalling his long career in the Middle East and Russia.

William Burns also warned of threats from Iran and Russia (AP)
William Burns also warned of threats from Iran and Russia (AP)

“I’ve learned that intelligence professionals have to tell politicians what they need to hear, even when they don’t want to hear it.”he added.

A diplomat for 33 years, Burns retired in 2014 before chairing the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a think tank on country-to-country relations, whose exchange program with a Chinese organization considered to be a propaganda body was criticized by members of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Although his profile is atypical for the position – he is neither military nor political and he has never worked in the intelligence service – Burns assured the committee that he was very familiar with the CIA, with whom he often spoke. treated throughout his career.

He also stressed the need for the CIA to collaborate with American allies, especially to oppose Russia., as opposed to the conciliatory attitude adopted by Trump towards Moscow.

“We will have more impact on Putin’s calculations if we see firm responses not only from the United States, but also from our European allies and others,” he said.

With information from AFP

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