19 year old player brutally murdered by “Call of Duty” rival, who recorded the crime | the Chronicle


The femicide of the young woman Ingrid Oliveira Bueno da Silva, professional player of “Call of Duty”, caused a sensation in the world of eSports by Brazil. The murderer, a player named Guilherme Alves Costa, confessed to the crime after sharing videos of the aberrant event in various WhatsApp groups.

The body of Ground, like the young woman of 19 years old in the online video game community, it was found in Guilherme’s “Flashlight” house, located in the Pirituba district of San Pablo. The two players met in the mood for “Call of Duty”.

After being arrested, the player confessed to being the perpetrator of femicide. In reality, told the local police that he “wanted to do it” and that everything was planned in advance. The player had a diary, confiscated by the agents, where he wrote down the details of what he would do with his partner.

Alves Costa recorded a video while committing the murder and posted it in different WhatsApp groups. In the footage, he can be seen defending terrorism and offering hate speech towards religious communities.

Sol, 19, had recently joined a Brazilian esports team.

Fantastic Brazil Impact, the team Ingrid represented, remembered the young woman with a sad post on her social media: “She was an amazing person, who will be missed every day as long as the sun rises and its light touches our bodies. Every time we look at the sun, we will remember her ”.


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