The shocking video in which a woman throws her four children out the window to save them from a fire in Turkey


Mother saved children from fire by throwing them out of window

A Turkish mother rescued her four children from a fire in an Istanbul apartment by throwing them out of a third floor window.

The incident happened on Wednesday in a five-story building in the Esenler district, located on the European side of Istanbul.

In a video taken from the street, you see the mother throw each child out the window as a cloud of black smoke enters the apartment. Downstairs, a large number of people waited for the extension of a blanket to catch the boys, while other people screamed imploring her not to throw the infants out the window.

A neighbor who witnessed the incident described the scene to the Turkish Official Gazette Daily sabah.

“First, black smoke started to come out,” he says. “Then the kids started screaming out the windows and we opened the covers. A woman threw the children from above and we caught them with blankets», He said.

Local authorities told the outlet that all four children were safe and sound, and firefighters were able to extinguish the blaze, allegedly caused by a short circuit.

Meanwhile, the mother was hospitalized as a precaution and released shortly after, according to the agency. AP.


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