It’s official: the government released the resolution defining “strategic personnel”


Fernández was vaccinated at Posadas hospital

To contain the shock wave of the controversy over VIP shots and to avoid further gray areas due to inoculation of cabinet members, the health ministry issued an afternoon resolution that delineates which officials can use the doses arriving in the country and which will have to wait.

According to the details of the measure, which he accepted THE NATION, will be deemed “strategic personnel” – one of the categories that are part of the priority groups to be vaccinated – officials “who develop management functions necessary and relevant for the proper functioning of the State, regardless of age and state of health. “

The government is redefining “strategic personnel” after the VIP vaccine scandal revealed an arbitrariness in the vaccination of national officials. So, for example, the Treasury prosecutor, Carlos Zannini, He was vaccinated with his wife and the Minister of the Economy, Martin Guzman, He did so with several young advisers from the Palacio de Hacienda, but other line managers such as the Chief of Staff were not vaccinated. Santiago Cafiero.

As foreseen by LA NACION, from now on, officials who wish to be vaccinated must request an authorization via a computer system of the Ministry of Health, which will authorize or reject the request.

outraged “decision-makers”, The other two categories of officials who will be able to access the Covid vaccine are: “State representatives in international organizations” and “the people who perform trips outside the country as members of official delegations; or people who should receive official delegates from abroad. “

Kicillof, one of the first vaccinated
Kicillof, one of the first vaccinated Source: LA NACION

The standard covers not only the executive branch, but also the members of the Congress and the judiciary. To avoid “surprises” from vaccinated people, vaccinated agents must complete a form in which they authorize the dissemination of their data. a register, which will be open and public.

This is expressed in article 6, which says: “The list of strategic, vaccinated personnel below will be public and will be made available to anyone who needs it.”

The government, meanwhile, intends all jurisdictions and the city to establish a similar protocol to control the vaccination of provincial officials.

The resolution is numbered 712/2021 and is a “supplement” to the Official Journal which was published after midnight.

In accordance with the criteria of

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