Russia condemned the US attack | Support …


Russia condemned US bombing on Friday against pro-Iranian militias in eastern Syria, US President Joe Biden’s first military operation. “We strongly condemn these actions and We urge that the sovereignty and integrity of Syria be unconditionally respectedRussian diplomacy spokeswoman Maria Zajarova said at a press conference. We reaffirm our rejection of any attempt to transform Syria into an arena in which to settle scores on the geopolitical scene, ”he added.

At war since 2011, the president’s Syria Bashar al Asad it has benefited from massive and crucial military support from Moscow since 2015. On Friday, an NGO reported the deaths of 22 fighters in a US military bombardment the day before in eastern Syria. Bordering Iraq, this territory is controlled by pro-Iranian militias fighting alongside the Assad regime. The attacks, which Washington called “defensive”, follow three recent attacks in Iraq accused of pro-Iranian armed groups.

Russian Foreign Minister on Friday Sergey Lavrov, regretted that Washington only informed Moscow of the bombings “four or five minutes” before carrying them out. “This kind of warning is unnecessary when the bombing is already underway,” he said.

In addition, Lavrov suggested that Washington had no intention of leaving Syria, despite the withdrawal announced by the former US president. Donald trump. “They would have decided not to leave Syria […] hasta el hundimiento del país ”, sostuvo Lavrov. as soon as.

In turn the syrian government said the bombing carried out by the United States this morning in the eastern part of the Arab country, allegedly against pro-Iranian militias allied in Damascus, “will bring consequences” this will increase the tension in the area.

“Syria condemns in the strongest terms the American aggression against its sovereignty, which goes against international laws and the UN charter, (…) and warns that this aggression will have consequences” , the Syrian Foreign Ministry said in a statement released by the official Syrian agency, SANA.

He also called on the United States to change its “aggressive strategy” against the Arab country, as well as to stop violating its sovereignty and “support” the “armed terrorist” groups that attack Syria, its people and its infrastructure. , according to Note.

The government department reported that the bombing occurred during a visit to Damascus by the special envoy of The United Nations for Syria, Geir pedersen, which he interprets as a reflection of Washington’s “indifference” to the international role in resolving the conflict.

This blatant aggression in a new installment in the series of constant attacks by the IDF, the so-called ‘International Coalition (led by the United States against Islamic State), the Turkish occupation and the those committed by terrorist organizations, “he said, listing his enemies.

In turn, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, called on Friday for the containment of all parties after the airstrike launched by the United States against pro-Iranian Iraqi militias in eastern Syria. According to his spokesperson, Stéphane DujarricGuterres is closely following what has happened and is “concerned about the unstable situation in the region”. The UN chief calls on “all parties to restraint exercise and to avoid an escalation ”of hostilities, said Dujarric, interviewed during his daily press conference.


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