She is 101 years old and wrote a CV to work and buy wine – News


In the CV, María Cardoso states that she was born in 1919 and has “rural work” as an experience. When asked why he was looking for work at this age, he replied that he wanted to be able to buy wine and meat.

The story quickly went viral and the woman appeared on local radio stations to explain why she wanted to work. According to the retiree, she was tired of having to ask her daughter for money to buy things she loves. “I want to work to buy my ‘vinoitos’, my ‘carnesita’, help a little,” he explained.

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The great-granddaughter, who was the one who wrote the program, explained that they introduced it there because several people in her family are refrigerator workers and that’s why her great-granddaughter mother wanted to work near them.

The young woman sent the document by WhatsApp, and the person in charge of recruiting Juliana Araújo was very excited to see him.

“She sent a message” Juliana, do an interview with my grandma. “Then when I saw the date of birth, I panicked and said, ‘For God’s sake, take the CV from me.’ Then he took it and I found the most beautiful thing, with her photo, ”says Juliana.

Although the woman couldn’t find a job, they called her from a beverage company to assure her that they would send her a case of wine per month and the fridge manager assured her that she would. visit the places. .


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