AMLO will offer Biden an agreement to legalize Mexican workers in the United States: “We will give them guarantees”


Archive image (Photo: Courtesy of the Presidency)
File Image (Photo: Courtesy of the Presidency)

This Saturday, the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, assured that during his virtual meeting next Monday with the President of the United States, Joe Biden, will insist on the need for migration agreement where migrant labor is legalized Mexicans and Central Americans.

Leading the evaluation of the guaranteed price program, de Morelos, Zacatecas, the president insisted that the engine of economic development in North America was Mexican workers.

“Mexico is very important for the economic and commercial development of North America. Canada, United States, Mexico. But I don’t want to show myself, much less generate jealousy, feelings, hurt feelings; but the spark plug for the development of North America is Mexico for several reasons and one of these reasons is the quality of its workforce: the Mexican workers, their strength, their youth “, he assured.

“Indeed, I have a televised meeting, a video meeting, a conference call with President Biden on Monday and we will be discussing this matter. It’s “come on, you’re going to need Mexican and Central American workers to grow, to produce. We are better at ordering the migratory flow, legalizing it to give workers the guarantee that they don’t risk their lives, that human rights are protected … but according to my accounts, the American economy will need 600,800,000 workers per year, of which they do not have them, despite automation, robotics and technological advances. So it is better that we come to a good agreement “, he stressed.

Photos: Presidency of Mexico - Reuters.
Photos: Presidency of Mexico – Reuters.

The president recalled that as a precedent for this proposal that he will present to his American counterpart next Monday, it was the Bracero program, through which thousands of Mexican migrants went to the neighboring country to the north, to work there legally. .

“Hay un antecedente (…) cuando la segunda guerra mundial, que intervino EEUU, México ayudó porque se firmó un acuerdo para que trabajadores mexicanos fueran a levantar las cosechas a Estados Unidos… el famoso ‘Programa Bracero’ mientras los estadounidenses iban War. Mexican workers have helped a lot so that there is no shortage of food, no shortage of production in the United States. Now, something similar, if you don’t have a Mexican workforce, how is increased production in the United States guaranteed? Come on, therefore, proposing an agreement, of course, the main thing is that we develop, that Mexicans can work and be happy where they were born, where their parents are, their culture; But if there are those who want, not out of necessity, but to go find a life, to work in the United States, they can do it legally, thanks to an agreement with the American government. This is one of the things we want to lift President Biden with “he insisted.

On the other hand, López Obrador pointed out that by sending remittances from Mexican migrants who work on American soil, he has helped the Mexican economy to recover, despite the strong impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has generated in our country. But he also stressed that the social programs implemented in his government have contributed to the well-being of the population.

“Imagine that a year like 2002 faced with this terrible pandemic, Remittances rose 12% and a record $ 40,600 million was achieved. It is the main source of income for our country. and that’s money reaching up to 10 million families who receive an average of $ 350 per month. Another element that has helped a lot is the wellness programs, the one which does not lack pension for the elderly and which is universal, there are 8 million elderly adults who have a pension, it is 1 million girls and boys with disabilities who have a pension, there are 11 million students up to graduation level who receive scholarships. Never in the history of Mexico have students been so supported as they are today, ”he said.

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File Image (Photo: EFE / Mexican Presidency)
File Image (Photo: EFE / Mexican Presidency)

The president also recalled that field production was the only sector that constitutes the economy that has grown amid the crisis caused by the coronavirus.

“(…) El año pasado que fue muy difícil por la pandemia, se cayó la actividad industrial, se cayó el turismo y el comercio, -el sector secundario y el sector terciario-, pero no sucedió lo mismo con el sector primario , countryside. We have to keep in mind that the field grew 2% last year. The field has helped us a lot in dealing with the covid-19 crisis. So we must continue to support the campaign, we are not going to turn our backs on the campaign, we are going to go back to the countryside to root the peasants on the land, their communities with better opportunities, with better social protection programs “, he assured.

At the end of your participation, the president gave Senator Ricardo Monreal a boost, originally from Zacatecas and who accompanied the president on his tour of the entity.

López Obrador assured that since the Senate of the Republic, Monreal Ávila has contributed to adapt the reforms to the Constitution

“It has helped us a lot in legal and constitutional reforms to adapt the legal framework to the new circumstances. I will give just one example: Article 4 of the Constitution has already been amended and now the right of the elderly to a pension, the right of disabled children to also receive a pension, has been raised to constitutional status. The right of students to receive a scholarship is already enshrined in the Constitution, and the people’s right to health, medical care and free medicine is already enshrined in the Constitution. And whatever the government, these are already acquired rights, but it is not only theory, it is not only a question of writing a wish in the Constitution, of elaborating a sentence theoretically guaranteeing the rights . There is a transitional Constitution in force which establishes that, year after year, the budget allocated to these programs must be greater. The people’s right to these programs has already been elevated to constitutional status and this, among other things, is the result of the work of legislators, deputies and senators. This is why I am very happy that Ricardo Monreal is with us, ”he concluded.


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