Ironic tweet from Juan Grabois about VIP vaccinations in the middle of the march # 27F


As opposition marches multiply in different parts of the country, leader Juan Grabois has targeted the opposition with an ironic message he posted on social media.

“All bad with the accommodations to the vaccination but the macrismo has less moral authority to question the privileges and resurrected than Isidoro Cañones”, condemned the leader Kirchner.

He did so through his Twitter account as thousands demonstrated in Plaza de Mayo and other parts of the country against the government’s VIP vaccination center.

Grabois had spoken out on the privileged vaccination of political and union leaders, spokespersons and relatives on the very day of the explosion of the scandal.

He also did this via Twitter. This Friday, February 19, he decided to indict journalist Horacio Verbitsky, who discovered the situation when he said on the radio that after calling the then Minister of Health, Ginés González García, he had received the first dose of Sputnik V vaccine at headquarters. of the sanitary portfolio of the Buenos Aires micro-center.

“Verbitsky he has always been a merchant of influence, an immoral character who operates in our field. Bragging about such abuses while the people wait their turn expresses the nature of liberal and lavish false progressivism. Far from us, please, ”questioned Grabois.

Protesters marched this Saturday towards Plaza de Mayo, Olivos’ presidential residence and in squares in other cities of the country in rejection of vaccinations against the coronavirus out of protocol, which led to the resignation of Ginés González García to head of the health ministry.



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