She bought clothes online and the package came with a little “surprise” | the Chronicle


A woman from Kent, UK was shocked when you received the new clothes you bought online and saw that they included an eight-legged surprise.

The young woman, named Frank, shared a video on the TikTok social network where you can see a spider moving among the clothes. “When you shop at Boohoo”written in the description.

After documenting her discovery, the woman told the brand that “go find your unwanted employee“and that soon I would start “to charge you the rent“.

The spider Frank found in his package

Users of the social network took the opportunity to joke and joke in the comments of the post. “Oh my God, now they have designs that move!” The “Free clothes and a pet“, while another more sadistic one suggested:”You should kill her while she’s still in the pack. Don’t let him get away. “

After debating what to do with his new tenant, whom he nicknamed Bart, Frank took the package to a vet. “Spider Bart has a new home! Heal and save, ”he updated his followers.


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