Now they want to kick the judges out


History does not forget. The first major court ruling on Kirchnerist corruption came just as
the worst political crisis due to the unfair distribution of coronavirus vaccines.
Social rejection of the privileges of vip vaccinations (which may mean the untimely death of some Argentines) had a prominent expression yesterday in a new afternoon of banners. The lack of control in the administration of the vaccine benefits the friends of power, a common practice of Kirchnerism.
Lázaro Báez had been convicted three days earlier for laundering several million dollars he had collected from
a state always generous with friends.
Corruption and vaccines at the same time and space. The mixture is harmful. Báez will end up in prison with the most severe sentence.
Cristina Kirchner awaits the hour of her guillotine. Báez’s awkwardness has no forgiveness from God or the judges. Maybe things would have been different if they had been done differently. Public works paid and not completed. Millions of dollars from Báez that were counted in Puerto Madero with the joy of revelers. There was a coincidence in those same days of scandals and condemnations. Is there a coincidence? Sometimes it happens; other times the conspiranoids are right. The coincidence was that in those same days
around 200 judges and prosecutors have been sentenced to retirement.
Many of them condemned the corruption of the Kirchnerists. Others are even friends of those who govern. But they couldn’t make exceptions if they wanted to appear (not to be) legalistic and impartial. They locked everyone up against him. The order to clean the courts of judges and prosecutors came from the leader of ANSES, the camper
Fernanda Raverta. Is it a decision of Cristina Kirchner, of
Alberto Fernández or both? If he were president, he would be making a serious political mistake. In this way, his judicial reform will never leave Congress.

The theory of law collapsed with the sentence to Báez. The evidence accumulated for his practice of money laundering is overwhelming. Báez charged the state for carrying out the public works surcharges and advances that would have enabled anyone to be a state builder. But the state pays with white money; cannot pay in black. Baez had to turn what was white into black. He did so with the AFIP trout bills from Bahía Blanca, for example. Then he took the money out of the country and came back later to pay what corresponded to his Kirchner partners. The Kirchner family had to turn what was black into white And, for this, he rented hotels and empty buildings to Báez himself. These are the Hotesur and Los Sauces cases, which are still pending oral proceedings. “In the previous crime (money laundering) is Cristina,” said Báez’s own son. It was the circle of this scandalous story. Báez’s antecedent is terrible for the slow oral trial that takes place on public works, where Cristina Kirchner is involved, and for those of money laundering in hotels and buildings of the powerful family. Two judges at the oral court said Báez’s money laundering was linked to corruption in public works. A third judge assures us that this is not known to him. The Chamber of Cassation will have to decide whether it is annulled by the majority or by the minority. The higher courts have an obligation to support judges at times when they must make difficult decisions while they are persecuted by Kirchnerism.

When speaking, the president must give up the chalk and the eraser. The old professor is challenged even by his students. History neither forgets nor forgives

This is when the case of dozens of intimidated retired judges comes into play. Cynical, with the self-confidence of Kirchnerism in power, an activist of the Cristinista faction confessed to a judge who is not active. part: “It would be a great triumph for us if there were only 30 or 40 judges left.” He synthesized in a short sentence the whole purpose of the new ambush to the judges. The Respondents are over 60 years of age, are of retirement age and have started or completed their retirement proceedings. However, none of them resigned to qualify for retirement. They have simply finished or completed the process by the time they decide to leave the courts. “There is a lot of anxiety and worry among us because we don’t know under what conditions we will be retiring,” said a High Court judge. This state of mind, which some describe as moral fatigue, it is easily noticeable. The court will not allow judges to be intimidated in retirement. It’s a check. Christianity has already touched two fundamental pillars for the tranquility of judges: your stability and salary income.

The Constitution indicates that a judge ceases to be a judge for only four reasons: resignation, death, effective retirement after reaching age or dismissal for poor performance of their functions. To put it in simple words: No one can ask a judge to resign before they turn 75, which is the limit set by the Constitution. Although the Constitution protects them, the Government has placed judges under an obligation to demonstrate that the Constitution protects them. Political and legal dyslexia. A separate case is that of corrupt or militant judges, but their case it is not a pension issue. This is a consequence of the excessive political conformation of the Judicial Council (a creature of the then senator Cristina Kirchner), because it prevents the cleaning of justice from corruption and activism.

According to the list of judges published by Anses itself, five judges from the chamber of cassation, the highest criminal court in the country, are expected to leave. Almost half of this camera. Two judges from the decisive federal criminal chamber are also due to retire, which would allow Christianity to definitively colonize this body which oversees the management of federal judges responsible for investigating corruption. Among the appointed judges, none other than the president of the cassation, Gustavo Hornos, and the President of the Federal Chamber, Martin Irurzun, one of the most prestigious magistrates of the federal courts and also one of the most hated by Christianity. No important judge will leave, despite everything. If they have come to where they row against the many legal and media operations to which Christianity has subjected them, it is impossible to imagine them leaving their place simply because a small official persecutes them with the threat of plundering their retirement.

By the way, the ruling party motorized an intense media campaign against Judge Hornos because he sometimes visited
Mauricio Macri in Olivos’ villa when he was president. Hornos explained to his colleagues that he had a social relationship with the former president and had never spoken to him about specific court cases. Last Wednesday, the Kirchnerite offensive returned when the legitimate justice judge
Alejandro slokar
He officially requested another plenary cassation meeting to discuss the Hornos case. He was accompanied by judges close to the ruling party
Ángela Ledesma and Ana María Figueroa.
Most understood Horn, although some reminded him that all judges must be careful. That Hornos visited Macri a few times is a crime for Christianity. The current president, Alberto Fernández, is a personal friend of several judges and has met some of them.
It is not judged.
He was also not tried when a judge of cassation ran to see Carlos Zannini, an influential collaborator of the then president, Cristina Kirchner, to inform him of the resolution that two of his colleagues were preparing on the because of the memorandum with Iran.
A full betrayal, forgivable for Christianity.

In this scenario, the president appeared and gave his opinion on the pending court cases. The Constitution forbids it. Law school students urged him to debate the crimes that were committed in VIP vaccinations that the president does not recognize. When speaking, the president must give up the chalk and the eraser. The old professor is challenged even by his students. History neither forgets nor forgives.

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