Ecuadorian electoral authority partially accepted count request requested by Yaku Pérez


Tour of the National Electoral Council of Ecuador
Tour of the National Electoral Council of Ecuador

The National Electoral Council (CNE) from Ecuador This Friday partially accepted the request of the indigenous leader Yaku Pérez to recount the votes of the February 7 election, after being excluded from the ballot by a minimal difference.

With four votes for and one abstention, the plenary session of the electorate approved a report establishing the count of 31 electoral lists (out of more than 27,000 presented) in eight provinces of the country.

The CNE detected 10 registrations with numerical inconsistencies and 21 with a lack of signatures.

“The provincial electoral commissions of Azuay, Cañar, Carchi, Cotopaxi, Esmeraldas, Guayas, Los Ríos, Pichincha and Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas are responsible for proceeding with diligence in the opening of electoral packages” for the counting of the votes, declared the secretary of the CNE, Santiago Vallejo, after the meeting.

The candidate of Pachakutik, political arm of the indigenous movement, presented Tuesday to the CNE a right of opposition to verify more than 27,000 electoral records (out of some 39,000 across the country). He was accompanied by supporters who marched from the town of Loja (south and border with Peru) to Quito.

Pérez, who obtained 19.39% of the vote, had asked, on the one hand, to compare in some 20,000 electoral records the number of voters among the various dignities elected in the general elections, which was declared “inadmissible” by the CNE. .

In addition, he asked to review in another 7000 minutes the numerical inconsistencies in the votes and the lack of signatures. Of these, 31 will be examined.

“The members of #CNE make history not because of their attachment to #Democracy, but because of the powerful economic interests that impose its rules. Of the twenty thousand minutes, 31 minutes are counted ”, Pérez wrote on Twitter after the resolution became known.

Yaku Perez leads a march to Quito
Yaku Perez leads a march to Quito

The indigenous leader lost by only 32,600 votes his quota to contest the April 11 poll with left-wing economist Andrés Arauz, the runner-up to former socialist president Rafael Correa, who won the first round with 32.72% voices.

In his place will be the former right-wing banker Guillermo Lasso, who collected 19.74% of the vote.

“We are not asking for alms but for respect for the will of the Ecuadorian people”added Pérez.

The Confederation of Peoples of the Kichwa Nationality of Ecuador (Ecuarunari) threatened to paralyze the country.

The Ecuarunari have decided “to declare a general strike in the country. It is a declaration until they (the CNE) make corrections and act with rectitude, ”Carlos Sucuzhañay, president of the indigenous organization, told reporters.

(With information from AFP)


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