AMLO will have their first virtual meeting with Joe Biden on March 1: they will talk about migration, COVID and T-MEC


AMLO and Joe Biden will hold their first virtual meeting (Photos: Mexican Presidency - Reuters.)
AMLO and Joe Biden will hold their first virtual meeting (Photos: Mexican Presidency – Reuters.)

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will hold a virtual meeting with his American counterpart, Joe Biden, the next March 1.

“As a continuation of the various conversations between the first presidents, Presidents López Obrador and Joe Biden discuss the shared vision and goals of the bilateral agenda Next Monday, March 1, remotely, ”was reported in a statement issued by the Ministry of External Relations.

“In the virtual meeting, they will discuss cooperation mechanisms to tackle the structural causes of migration in northern Central America and southern Mexico. In addition, the Presidents will discuss the ravages of covid-19 and the areas of opportunity presented by the T-MEC for a sustainable and more equitable economic recovery in North America, ”the document adds.

Image of the day AMLO spoke by phone with Joe Biden
Image of the day AMLO spoke by phone with Joe Biden

Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard also reported on the virtual meeting between the two leaders on his Twitter account. “Next Monday, March 1st the first bilateral meeting of the presidents of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and the United States will take place, Joe Biden. I will report topics and participants from both governments. A new stage of cooperation begins ”, wrote the secretary for external relations in the social network.

“This initiates a dialogue that will be productive and positive for both countries,” the foreign minister commented in another post on Twitter, a network where he said the meeting “will address issues of common interest such as cooperation and mutual support against Covid-19, development and structural causes of migration, climate action and economic recovery“.

Although this is their first bilateral meeting, AMLO and Biden have already had a communication.

On January 22, López Obrador reported on his Twitter account about the phone call he had with the President of the United States and was optimistic about the panorama of that country’s relations with Mexico.

“We spoke with President Biden, he was kind and respectful. We deal with issues related to migration, # COVID19 and cooperation for development and well-being. Todo indicates that relations will be good for the good of our peoples and nations ”, read the post on the social network.

Joseph Biden and AMLO at a meeting in 2012 (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Joseph Biden and AMLO at a meeting in 2012 (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Shortly after AMLO’s publication, a statement was issued in which it was reported that during the telephone conversation, “which proceeded in a cordial tone, the Mexican President celebrated the recognition of the contributions of the Mexican migrant community to the United States and he reiterated the thesis of Mexico, according to which the basic solution to the phenomenon of migration is through the promotion of development in the communities of origin ”.

At that time, the communication between AMLO and Biden was somewhat surprising, especially since the President of Mexico had ruled out at a conference days earlier that he intended to speak with the US president.

“The truth is, we’ve spoken before. We had a very good conversation from Valladolid, Yucatán, with President Biden. We spoke on the phone and addressed all the issues, ”he commented at a press conference. “There is nothing urgent. What he raises coincides with what we do, we can see it well… If there is a need to speak on the phone, we do it, but it is not urgent ”, he added during the same encounter with the media.

López Obrador took the opportunity to warn that those who bet on a confrontation with the US government would end up “with desire”, since the relationship with Biden is good. “There is no threat to Mexico, to be clear, so those who bet that we will face the United States government will end up with the desire, speaking in money … Politics was invented among other things to avoid confrontation, to avoid war, so there is no problem ”.


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