“I married a psychopath”: discovered that her husband had another family and five girlfriends


Mary Turner with Will Jordan, before finding out about her husband's real life
Mary Turner with Will Jordan, before finding out about her husband’s real life

Deception and betrayal at the hands of a charming psychopath are common themes in Netflix’s rugged series, but Mary Turner Thomson went through the ordeal firsthand, with dramatic detail and twists even the most creative writers wouldn’t dare to invent.

When this Scottish single mother She met Will Jordan, the American seemed the perfect man: stable, loving and kind. But after marrying him and giving birth to his two daughters, she discovered with horror that he was a bigamist, had another wife and five fiancées … He was not her loving husband, he was a con artist who cheated on dozens of women, in the UK and the US.

Mary Turner Thomson tells it all in her book “The Psycho”, which will be released in the UK tomorrow, March 1st. And the Daily mail released a preview that includes the victim’s first-person account and how she staged a daring sting operation that ended with her husband behind bars and deported to the United States.

“The man I fell in love with turned out to be a monster who not only got pregnant women to rip them off with money, but rather psychologically tortured and abused throughout their lives, leaving them mentally, emotionally and financially incapable just for their own amusement, ”says Mary.

Her nightmare started as a romantic dream when he met Jordan online in 2000, when they were both 35 years old. A single mother with a one-year-old daughter and recovering from a failed relationship, Mary hoped to find love in a caring man. Handsome, confident and talkative American Will Jordan seemed ideal.

“He used the kind of techniques used by cult leaders and abusers, showering me with love from the start, before I even knew him.” said Mary. “When we started talking online, he sent me long emails about his past and who he was, and I told him about my dreams and aspirations. We wrote to each other three, four, five times a day. It has become intoxicating. I let myself be carried away by the romanticism ”.

In addition to the charm, Jordan also blatantly lied to gain sympathy, claiming that he had mumps as a child and was infertile. “I liked that a man spoke to me so openly about his feelings. His infertility made him a much more appropriate outlook, since I already had a daughter and wanted a father figure in his life. Everything was easy… but it was a lie ”. The couple got married in 2002 and she believed it all. In fact, they had two children, Eilidh and Zach, and Jordan convinced her that she had been miraculously cured of her infertility.

Mary Turner wrote her story to help other victims
Mary Turner wrote her story to help other victims

Too convinced her that he worked for the CIA in the IT industry, as a cover for why he was so often absent -to see his other family, as it turned out- and that there were dangerous men who wanted to kidnap his children. “It sounds crazy, but he gave me proof, including paychecks. He was in a constant state of panic and believed he was the only person who could protect us. “

Four years after what Mary believed to be a happy marriage, a phone call turned her life upside down. “A woman called and introduced herself as her husband’s other wife, and revealed that she had five children with him. My world has collapsed “

Shocked by her husband’s double life, Mary was horrified to find that he had also been the victim of a cruel financial scam: Jordan had falsified his name on several credit cards, accumulating $ 78,000 in debt. He also convinced her to sell her house, apparently to pay a ransom to prevent dangerous men associated with her CIA work from kidnapping her children.

“He told me lies. Not only did he already have at least six children when I met him in 2000, his wife and his wife’s nanny were pregnant with him at the time, ”says Mary.

He discovered that he was a convicted sex offender, who had five fiancées, two wives and 13 children.

He denied everything… “He was a psychopath: he seemed to be bored in court, as if he got a parking ticket, and when he was convicted, there was not a glimmer. of emotion. Her eyes were dead, ”said Mary, who wrote about her experience in her first book, The bigamist.

Mary managed to get him to jail but after two and a half years in a British prison he was released and deported to New Jersey in 2009. Seven months later, history repeated itself.

New victims, now American, contacted her. One woman had become pregnant and homeless after meeting Jordan on a dating site, another was a Mexican woman with a sister with Down’s syndrome whose family he had ruined financially.

The opportunity to catch up with him came in 2014 when American nurse Mischele Lewis, 36, contacted Mary. “Like me, she was a single mother who had been in an unhappy situation before meeting a man who seemed like the right man. Like me, she got engaged to him, lost money with him, and then found out the truth. “

The pair hatched a daring plan to have Mischele secretly record Jordan with a hidden camera he wore as a button until he admitted to ripping her off. The police arrested him and he was jailed.

Mischele Lewis, another of Jordan's victims
Mischele Lewis, another of Jordan’s victims

But Upon release from prison in 2017, Jordan continued to target vulnerable women. Mary understood that the best way to stop him was to write a book, drawing on her own experiences and teaching women to spot the telltale signs of a predator like Jordan.

“I thought it was my fault, but I found that I had a high score on the empathy scale, and Will Jordan focuses on women who are empathetic, testing them early to see if they sympathize with their stories of sobs about a woman. Terrible childhood, “he said. And I add:”He blamed me for being fooled by him, but I realized that the reason women like me trust so much is that as empaths we would never do something so horrible to another. nobody, it just doesn’t enter our thought processes.“.

Jordan continues his raid. “At the last count, he had 14 children. It will never stop. He is a psychopath without the capacity to love and without conscience. All I can do now is warn other women about him», Dice Mary.


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