While his girlfriend was shopping, he sexually abused his daughter | the Chronicle


A woman reported her partner to court for, allegedly, abuse your daughter, 8 years old, and requested that the Respondent be placed on an approach restriction because he fears retaliation from him.

The complaint was filed on February 17, a day later, according to the woman’s testimony, her daughter was abused by who her partner was, a 50-year-old man, after taking advantage of the fact that he was left alone with the girl.

I saw my strange daughter and asked her what was wrong with her. There he told me he touched his cock, touched it under his underwear and told her to go to the bathroom“said the girl’s mother.

The woman assured that the complaint filed with the prosecution 8 Quilmes sex crimes do not move“, and that’s why he posted his situation on social media.

He says he has many contacts with the police, politicians and the judiciary and they will not arrest him. I am very scared. Since I opened the doors of my house to him, we had a romantic relationship and he took advantage of my vulnerability to do this to my little girl.“, he said.

And I add: “We asked the prosecutor (Alexander Ruggeri) a restrictive measure, because he knows my house and I know, because he always said it, that he has very heavy friends. But the judge of guarantees 5 of Florencio Varela, Julian Busteros, refuse“, he said.

All I ask is justice for my daughter and that this pedophile be arrested. Stop that shit that hurt my baby“, he finished.


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