Biden-AMLO meeting: Mexicans are “a fundamental part of our history,” said the US president.


AMLO-Biden meeting (Photos: Mexican Presidency / Reuters)
AMLO-Biden meeting (Photos: Mexican Presidency / Reuters)

During the virtual meeting between Joe Biden and Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the leaders exchanged visions and conceptions respectful of the two peoples, as the national leaders see that working together will be promising in different aspects.

At the start of the meeting, the President of the United States recognized the importance of the migrant population of Latin America in their territory and added that of this, 60% are Mexican.

Joe Biden explained that since he was vice president during the administration of Barack obama, the US government decided to treat Mexico as an equal because of the impact Mexico has on the continent.

Joe Biden and AMLO had previously lived together in 2012 (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Joe Biden and AMLO had previously lived together in 2012 (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

“Under the Obama Biden administration, we decided that we would treat Mexico equally, everything you do has implications for us and Latin America.”Biden assured during the meeting.

“As you know,” he added, “The fastest growing group in the United States is Hispanics and 60% of them are Mexican / American, which is a fundamental part of our history, and as a reminder I have a bust of Caesar Chavez in the oval office “, recognized the American president.

Likewise, the American president recognized the figure of the Virgin of Guadalupe and he was happy to establish a dialogue with AMLO. Once the ice was broken, Biden ensured that what he was looking for with Mexico was to jointly face the challenges facing the world.

Alone, the Mexican president thanked his American counterpart for the symbolic recognition of the Virgin of Guadalupe, because this “Talk about deep Mexico”, of a great figure respected in the city and which, therefore, implies Biden’s respect for her.

The virtual meeting between the leaders will mark a precedent in the administrations and their bilateral agenda (Illustration: Jovani Pérez, Infobae)
The virtual meeting between the leaders will mark a precedent in the administrations and their bilateral agenda (Illustration: Jovani Pérez, Infobae)

“It is essential to maintain good relations, to be able to dialogue periodically on bilateral issues, as we already know: there is a will to maintain good relations”, AMLO said at the meeting.

During his participation, López Obrador recalled that not only it unites them 3 180 kilometers of borderOn the contrary, commerce, peoples, peoples, culture and history maintain close bonds of friendship between nations.

In this sense, the Mexican president saved the historic sentence of the dictator Porfirio Díaz “Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States” and modified it.

Now I can say: so close to God and not so far from America

He also expressed his total conviction that proximity will be a very useful tool for better development “in these times”. For which he underlined the integrating role of the T-MEC and estimated that the treaty will benefit everyone.

The two leaders said they respect the people of North America (Photo: Steve Allen)
The two leaders said they respect the people of North America (Photo: Steve Allen)

On top of that, AMLO stressed Biden’s attitude to respecting the sovereignty of neighboring peoples “you want there to be equality, to have respect and that is very important,” he said. “We must cooperate for development independently, empower what the North American people want to say is the engine of change: the Mexican, American and Canadian people”.

Finally, he appreciated the opportunity to be able to dialogue with his counterpart to preserve the good relations that exist between the United States.

Earlier in Monday’s morning conference, AMLO said Biden is a Democrat and as such will abide by policies adopted in Mexico with absolute respect for the self-determination of nations. He mentioned this because he was asked if it was possible The repercussions that the reform of the electricity industry which it recently promoted and which favors the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) could have above its foreign competitors; However, the Mexican president has dismissed the risks with the United States in this regard.


“A new phase of cooperation and progress”: the hope of Joe Biden a few minutes before his meeting with AMLO
AMLO will have their first virtual meeting with Joe Biden on March 1: they will talk about migration, COVID and T-MEC
“Everything indicates relations will be good”: AMLO gave details of his call with Joe Biden

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