Unusual: they set up their tent on the edge of a cliff and the police had to intervene


The unusual event happened last Saturday when family found inside a tent on the edge of a cliff on the Cleveland Way coast in the North York Moors, England. The police attended the scene because, due to the quarantine in place in this country, non-essential activities outside the home are prohibited.

It is not known if the couple were fined due to a violation of the law, but the local coast guard claimed it had been issued “security warnings “ following the “recent landslides” where they had pitched their tent.

Camping is prohibited at this location due to the risk of landslides.  Source: HM Coastguard NE / Alastair Smith
In this place, it is forbidden to camp because of the risk of landslides. Source: HM Coastguard NE / Alastair Smith

“Today’s call was to attend a section of Cleveland Way to give safety advice to two adults and a child who were camping at the edge of the cliff. A North Yorkshire police officer was also present due to the breach of coronavirus restrictions. Coast Guard rescue officers have been given security keys due to the unsafe location of their store, especially the recent ground slidesThe authorities reported in a statement.

Due to the isolation in this country, non-essential activities are prohibited.  Source: HM Coastguard NE / Alastair Smith
Due to the isolation in this country, non-essential activities are prohibited. Source: HM Coastguard NE / Alastair Smith

The post shared on Facebook drew numerous comments from users angry at the couple’s irresponsibility. “Irresponsible adults putting a minor in danger” and “Darwin’s theory proved” were some of the observations. Others, on the other hand, limited themselves to commenting on the place: “I feel dizzy seeing the cliff that can fall at any time.”

In conclusion, local authorities cautioned on how to act to avoid accidents: “If you are walking along the Cleveland Way, stay on designated trails. If you see someone in danger or in distress on the coast, immediately call 999 and ask for the Coast Guard. “


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