Europe wants to have a unique “covid-19 passport”


20 days before the start of the boreal spring, several European countries want to ensure that they can open their windows on tourism and business. This is why this morning Ursula von der Leyen, current President of the European Commission, said that it was in the minds of several members of the group to finalize the details for that Europeans can travel with a “Covid-19 passport”.

The certificate will be a “Digital Green Pass” who will understand medical data of each individual: if they had coronavirus, if they received vaccines or not yet, if a PCR and it was negative or if you have a test that proves you have antibody against the coronavirus.

Anyway, the president of the European group warned that the 27 member countries of the EU they did not agree unanimously. While Spain and Greece breathe a sigh of relief as they announce that they will reactivate their economies, Brussels continues to prefer a certificate for medical use exclusively.

Time goes by and before the third wave of the pandemic looms that certain criminals are already planning, von del Leyen prefers first to come to an understanding “at home” with the German deputies. Via Twitter, he warned that the proposal should be list in march and that, in all cases, “the data protection, security and confidentiality of each traveler will be respected”.

Faced with the spring and the economic recovery, several European countries are asking to issue a pass allowing people to travel report of your medical data in connection with the coronavirus

Margaritis Schinas, in charge of EU health and safety, was more specific with the dates and assured that the initiative will have to Announcement on March 17, for heads of state to study and are issued at the summit on March 25 and 26.
In any case, this “pass” to cross European borders or even travel abroad is not yet unanimous, because some consider that it combines “mobility” and vaccination.

This is the case with Luxembourg, who had already warned that he would reject him because gives “more rights to a vaccinated person”. This is so – says the small Grand Duchy – when we do not even know if the vaccine prevents transmission and worse still, we are talking about vaccines that are not available to all Europeans.

For Luxembourg, the pass will generate inequalities because it grants more rights to people vaccinated against the coronavirus

“We are well aware of the enormous efforts and European sacrifices, and under no circumstances will we do this work in a way that does not meet the requirements, ”Schinas stressed.

Quoting Eric Mamer, spokesperson for Von der Leyen, the Europa Press agency recalls that the objective of this certificate is to “facilitate the movements” of Europeans. And Mamer remembered that free movement is one of the four fundamental freedoms of the EU.

Von der Leyen defended his proposal on Twitter, arguing that the purpose of the pass is for Europeans to “move gradually in safety”. both in the EU and abroad, whether for “business or tourist” trips.

Today countries like Belgium and Germany still keep their borders closed to trips considered non-essential, such as Belgium or Germany, and most Member States require a negative PCR result to enter them, in addition to a second test before returning or, failing that, save quarantine after travel so as not to spread the disease in case you are a carrier of the coronavirus.

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