Most controversial over coronavirus anal testing: Ha …


The Japanese government has asked the Chinese authorities to no longer do anal tests for coronavirus detection on Japanese travelers, Due to “psychological suffering” generated by the process. The Japanese government statement comes after U.S. diplomatic staff in China, who have been denied by Chinese officials, complained about being tested.

China -which succeeded in containing the epidemic of coronavirus on its territory- began last month the modality of anal screening for those who entered the country. The decision, they justified it, was made because testing of rectal swab specimens increases the detection rate of infected people, with respect to throat or nose samples.

However, Japan forwarded an official request to China through the Beijing Embassy, ​​asking that its residents not be subjected to this practice after Japanese expatriates expressed their “deep psychological suffering” by these methods. Japanese government spokesman Katsunobu Kato said.

“At this point, we have not received any response indicating that they are going to change it.”Kato said according to the AFP agency. The Japanese spokesman said they would continue to make requests “to this effect” to the Chinese government and that they had no information indicating that the anal test is being used outside that country.

A few weeks ago, as Vice and Washington Post reported, State Department employees complained about having to take the test “in error” although, in principle, they were exempt.

“China has never asked American diplomats to undergo an anal sample,” denied Zhao Lijian, spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Chinese authorities have been using this method since last month to diagnose people considered to be at high risk of contracting the virus, especially residents of neighborhoods where cases have been detected and international travelers.

Government officials assured that the method is “science-based” and it depends on “the evolution of the epidemiological situation and the laws and regulations in force”. However, they also recognized that the massive use of anal samples is not “practical”.


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