“Reading the Constitution”: Bullrich’s response to De Pedro and Parrilli


The president of the Pro attacked the statements of the Minister of the Interior and the senator on the functioning of justice Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ignacio Sánchez

After the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo “Wado” From Pedro, demand that the judges of the judiciary “change or leave”, and that the senator Oscar Parrilli ensure that President Alberto Fernández has called for the creation of a “bicameral commission” of deputies and senators to investigate justice, the president of the Pro, Patricia Bullrich, warned “you exceed all limits“and asked that “Read and respect the Constitution.”

“Minister De Pedro and Senator Parrilli: they go beyond all limits. Read and respect the Constitution. We are tired of pathotile attitudes. We won’t let the Republic get carried awayBullrich said on Twitter of the senator’s and minister’s statements, which matched President Alberto Fernández’s criticisms in his address to the Legislative Assembly. Yesterday the prime minister attacked the judiciary, arguing that he was in “crisis” and it works “on the fringes of the republican system”.

“The judiciary must listen. Either they are transformed, or they leave a power which seeks equality and justice”, said a few hours earlier, during the announcement of the construction of the global territorial centers for gender and diversity policies, the Minister of the Interior and a reference for La Cámpora, who denounced the judiciary and its ” responsibility “in the femicides, and then highlighted the president’s allusions to” the necessary structural reforms in the judicial system “.

For his part, the senator close to Cristina Kirchner He assured that with yesterday’s speech “the president asked for a bicameral commission to investigate justice. This society sees how the judiciary works and what changes need to be made.”

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