Alberto Fernández will encourage the creation of a bicameral commission to investigate justice


After the harsh speech in which he demanded that Congress “assume its role of cross-checking the judiciary”, the president Alberto Fernandez decided to promote creation of a bicameral commission, deputies and senators, “Let justice investigate.”

As confirmed by official sources THE NATION, the president advanced this objective yesterday to the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Sergio Massa, after speaking to the Legislative Assembly. Even the head of state and Massa will meet in the coming days, possibly the weekend, to advance the details.

“This is Alberto’s plan,” predicted one of the president’s main advisers. Fernández’s decision surprised even senior government officials who were unaware of the president’s moves and did not know these plans existed.

In parallel, wanting not to waste time, the day after the indictment of the president against justice, the tough Kirchner took the spear and anticipated the decision to create a bicameral commission to investigate the work of judges.

The idea, which was raised publicly by the senator Oscar Parrilli, closely trusted by the vice president Cristina Kirchner, It will be added to the rest of the changes already proposed by the executive power, such as judicial reform and the prosecution, which are in the Chamber of Deputies for processing.

Despite the impetus of Casa Rosada, close to the President they are convinced that in the midst of the electoral contest it is a complicated scenario. “If the judicial reform does not pass, it is very difficult,” admitted a member of the national cabinet.

From the start, Kirchnerism came to support the president’s remarks. Besides Parrilli, one of the exegetes of the former president, two of the main leaders of La Cámpora also questioned justice: the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo de Pedro, and the Minister of Community Development of the Province of Buenos Aires, Andrés Larroque.

“The president’s speech fully satisfied me. He dealt with Argentina’s problems with all reality, ”Parrilli said, in statements to El Uncover Radio. And he added: “Due to macrismo, in Justice we have these structural flaws that complicate the life of the ordinary citizen.”

In this context, Senator de Neuquén said: “The president asked for a bicameral commission to investigate justice. This society sees how the judiciary works and what changes need to be made ”.

Today, there is a bicameral commission in Congress to oversee the prosecution, as well as a justice commission in both chambers. Those unaware of plans to create the new bicameral argued that Fernández, what he wanted, was to use the tools Congress already has, such as the ability to open political trials to judges. of the Supreme Court. Although, finally, at night, there are no more doubts: the president will promote the constitution of a bicameral commission.

If those close to Fernández have recognized that the remarks he made yesterday were particularly harsh, they refuse to speak of “christinization”. Regardless of these internal debates, in the Senate and the Instituto Patria, the tone chosen by the President to launch the legislative year has been satisfied.

Before signing the minutes of both chambers as stated in the protocol, the President felt that the Vice President should also stamp her signature, but was given a concise explanation.
Before signing the minutes of both chambers as stated in the protocol, the President felt that the Vice President should also stamp her signature, but was given a concise explanation.Video capture

“I want to ask Congress with great respect to assume its role of cross-checking the judiciary. This is what our national constitution provides ”, were the words that the President chose and which immediately raised the alarm among the judges. And he added: “Institutionally, someone has to take care to see what has happened and to see what is happening in the administration of justice in our republic. Not to interfere in their decisions, but to fulfill the role that the rule of law has assigned to it. “

Little affection for contact with the media, Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro took advantage of the announcement of the construction of the so-called Global Territorial Centers for Gender and Diversity Policies to mark his position. “The judiciary must listen. Either they are transformed, or they leave a power which seeks equality and justice ”, declared the Minister of the Interior.

Another of those who praised the president was Larroque: “One of the pillars of the republic is that there is a framework of control and surveillance between the powers (…). Without a spirit of revenge, we want the institutions to function and be credible ”.

And he returned to an idea that the government relies on to promote changes in the courts: the discrediting of the judiciary. “The level of credibility of justice is the lowest in history. This is not good for democracy or for anyone ”.

Another Cristinista who defended the attack before the magistrates was the secretary of justice, Juan Martin Mena, who assured that “a judicial power cannot be tolerated outside the law and the Constitution”. Number two in the portfolio he runs Marcela losardo He explained that it is “a judicial power which in the 21st century maintains the privileges of the 19th century and is not accountable for its actions”.

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