Juan Carlos I’s daughters skipped Spanish protocol and were vaccinated in the United Arab Emirates


Elena (57) and Cristina de Borbón, daughters of the old king Juan Carlos I, received the COVID-19 vaccine during a trip to the United Arab Emirates. In this way, the two infantas ignored the protocol established by the Spanish health authorities.

The crossing was made during the second week of February and had as main apparent reason a visit to his father, who is detained in Abu Dhabi after starting to be investigated for tax evasion.

Before your return, agreed to be inoculated with a dose of Chinese Sinopharm vaccine, as detailed by sources in the journal Spanish. However, they would not be the only ones to be vaccinated “secretly”.

King Daughters CNI Vaccination
Juan Carlos I and Félix Sanz Roldán also received the Covid-19 vaccine in December.

The former king with the former director of the National Intelligence Center (CNI), Felix Sanz Roldan, tamthey would also have been vaccinated in December 2020. After disclosing this information, the block chief But Country, Íñigo Errejón, demanded explanations from the Spanish government.

“To the United Arab Emirates to visit your escaped father and get vaccinated before the bill. Like any other Spaniard, let’s go. It’s a lack of respect for our country“, he condemned Errejon through your Twitter account.

They also published critical messages from the parliamentary spokesperson of United we can, Pablo Echenique, who said that “the Bourbons are already going to more than two scandals a week ” Yes Gabriel Ruffian, parliamentary spokesperson for Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC), as well as the official report of Can we.

King Daughters CNI Vaccination
The tweet of Íñigo Errejón, leader of the Mas País bloc, on the vaccination of the daughters of the former king


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