In the middle of the trial, a doctor had to see again the lawyer accused of the murder of his drug client


Only 25 minutes had passed since the Judge María Gabriela López Iñiguez, president of the Federal Oral Court (TOF) No. 8 of Buenos Aires, declared open the debate to try the lawyer Julieta Estefanía Bonanno, accused of having participated in the killings of a client accused in a case for Drug traffic and of the son this, when the hearing was interrupted. The images which were transmitted by Zoom showed the suspect, who followed the alternatives of the trial from a room of the Ezeiza prison, sleeping. Then, in case of doubt about the state of health of the lawyer, the magistrate ordered the revision of a temporary room by a doctor of the Federal Penitentiary Service (SPF).

At the time the intermission room was ordered, the lawyer by Bonanno, Leopoldo Murúa, presented the arguments of its preliminary proposals and argued the incompetence of TOF No. 8 of Buenos Aires. He argued that the trial should be dealt with in TOF No. 1 of Bahía Blanca, where last week the debate on the so-called Bobinas Blancas case began, the attempted smuggling of 2,000 kilos of cocaine.

Lawyer Julieta Estefanía Bonanno has been examined by a doctor from the Federal Penitentiary Service (SPF)
Lawyer Julieta Estefanía Bonanno has been examined by a doctor from the Federal Penitentiary Service (SPF)Zoom capture

In the Bobinas Blancas investigation, until he suffered a stroke, Alexander Naged Ramírez, the client Bonanno murdered in June 2018 in the department of Belgrano where he lived with his son, also killed by a contract killer, was prosecuted. The lawyer is accused of being a co-perpetrator of the double crime, a trial which began today.

López Iñiguez’s decision to do an intermission for who evaluated Bonanno It was taken after the magistrate, like the other parties, noticed that the SPF staff had accompanied the accused to a kind of chair where, after sitting down, she closed her eyes and rested her head on the folder.

Once the intermission began, an SPF doctor could be seen monitoring Bonanno’s pressure and listening to him through a stethoscope.

“She is fit to continue the trial»Said the president of the TOF as the health professional of the SPF had explained to him. The debate therefore resumed with a request from lawyer Murúa: a virtual meeting with his client. Judge López Iñiguez replied that she would have it when she was done with the argument for the preliminary proposals.

Then Bonanno’s defense lawyer continued his presentation before López Iñiguez, the judges Sabrina namer Yes Nicolas toselli and the tax of the trial, Marcelo colombo, among others.

After questioning the jurisdiction of the TOF Buenos Aires (due to a territoriality issue) and requesting a stay of the trial until his claim was resolved, Murúa challenged the tribunal for “bias” arguing that the defense did not have control of some of the evidence submitted for discussion.

Lawyer Bonanno at the time of her transfer for her 2018 investigation
Lawyer Bonanno at the time of her transfer for her 2018 investigationArchive

After raising the preliminary issues, the presiding judge set up a new intermission room for Murúa to have a virtual meeting with his client.

After the hearing resumed, the Colombo fiscal responded to the proposals and requests of the defendant’s counsel. On the question of jurisdiction, the representative of the prosecution argued that it had already been resolved, in due course, by the Federal Criminal Cassation Chamber.

And as for the court challenge, Colombo asked that it be dismissed in elimination. The prosecutor later based his position on rejecting requests to quash investigative evidence, such as opening cell phones seized during the raids, and incorporating cat captures provided by a witness to reserved identity.

After the Colombo prosecutor’s presentation is over, the TOF has set up a provisional room until the 16th of this month at 9:30 a.m., when they will report on the decision on the defense proposals.

Naged Ramírez and his son were executed by a hit man, which so far could not be identified, on June 4, 2018. The victims lived in an apartment on the tenth floor of a building at 2600 Cabildo Avenue, in Belgrano.

“For the purposes of its consumption [el doble crimen], being an extremely trustworthy person of the Naged and by virtue of a plan apparently agreed upon in advance, Bonanno would at least have facilitated the entrance to the house [de las víctimas] of the subject or of one of the subjects who committed suicide ”, declared the federal prosecutor of Campana Sebastián Bringas in the request for judgment.

For the prosecution representative, Bonanno was fully aware of how to get into the building where the victims lived, the location of the security cameras, and the layout of the building’s surroundings.

In a video recorded by the security cameras of the building where the victims lived, we see her when she enters from the street and behind her passes a young, very warm and hooded. It is believed that it could be the hitman who killed Naged and his son.

Bonanno arrived at the building located at Cabildo 2659 at 9:41 pm on Monday June 4, 2018. His presence was recorded by security cameras while waiting for the door to open. Naged and his son rented the 10th D apartment.

The first explanation given by the lawyer was that she had gone to her client’s apartment to leave him money to pay the rent. At that time, Naged Ramírez had already been remanded in custody by González Charvay for drug trafficking offenses in the form of storage for marketing purposes, compounded by the number of people involved, in ideal competition with the crime of contraband, in degree of attempt. The proceedings against Naged Ramírez were suspended in March 2018, three months before his assassination.

Bonanno, in her capacity as lawyer for Naged Ramírez, had developed a relationship of trust, in addition to the working relationship that united them, which allowed to contribute, under a plan apparently previously agreed, that a male person should also enter the department with him, at the time of lowering the [Naged] next to his son to open the door on the ground floor of the building. Bonanno would at least have facilitated the entry into the home of the victims of this non-individualized subject which would have taken their lives, ”is described in the judicial file of the federal justice.

Prosecutor Bringas, in his request for judgment, noted that he found it striking that the hitman did not take Bonanno’s cell phone and that he did not lock it.

“A separate paragraph deserves the circumstance that a contract killer who had just killed two people under insurance leaves the accused alive, which could lead to the existence of a witness against him in the future. This, taking into account the fact that the accused saw the hitman face to face, with which, in the end, she was able to recognize him, since not only did they enter the building together, but they even got into the same elevator together and also opened the apartment door for her herself the moment this person entered in order to carry out the death, ”Bringas said.

The criminal plan, according to the hypothesis of forensic investigators, was orchestrated in Mexico, the base of operations of the drug organization part of Naged Ramírez.

Rodrigo Alexander Naged Ramírez
Rodrigo Alexander Naged Ramírez

In addition, prosecutor Bringas pointed out that during the search carried out at Bonanno’s home, annotations were discovered which drew attention.

These were manuscripts, “in which certain names of those involved in the drug trafficking case in which the defendant acted as an advocate for the defendant Naged Ramírez were noted, where it is written on the left named after the ‘lo van to kill’, then an upward arrow comes out that says ‘death’.

Naged Ramírez was remanded in custody by Campana Federal Judge Adrián González Charvay, but was provisionally exempted from the proceedings after suffering a stroke that left him with serious health problems and which l ‘legally prevented from understanding the process. criminal against the criminality of the acts attributed to him. He was 59 years old.

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