Horacio Rodríguez Larreta rejected the creation of a judicial control commission


The head of government of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, today rejected Casa Rosada’s intention to create a “bicameral commission” in Congress to oversee judges and prosecutors.

“The idea of ​​creating an ad hoc legislative commission to ‘control’ judges is blatantly unconstitutional and I strongly oppose it,” Rodríguez Larreta expressed in a message that he disseminated through his social networks.

The mayor of Buenos Aires has spoken out to reject the government’s initiative, after Casa Rosada confirmed that it was a project of the president. Yesterday, together for Change’s main referents denounced that the ruling party’s proposal violates the division of powers.

In a series of tweets, the head of government noted that “Argentina is a constitutional, republican and federal democracy.” And, in a republican system like ours, it is essential that there is a clear distribution of powers ”, highlighted.

Reference of the moderate wing of the Juntos por el Cambio, Rodríguez Larreta, who called a few days ago “Stop the crack business” and to “build bridges” to overcome differences, he had to harden his stance to mark his categorical rejection of the government’s intention to create a bicameral commission to investigate judges and prosecutors. Thus, he was in tune with the hard wing of Macrism, which emerged at the crossroads of the Kirchner initiative.

Rodríguez Larreta and Santilli rejected the government's intention to create a bicameral commission to monitor judges
Rodríguez Larreta and Santilli rejected the government’s intention to create a bicameral commission to monitor judgesGCBA

Our Constitution already establishes the system of checks and balances between the powers precisely to prevent a political power resulting from circumstantial majorities from interfering with another power which should be independent ”, Larreta warns.

This is not the first time that the head of government has abandoned his moderate position to confront the Fernández administration. Last August, he questioned the “rush” of Kirchnerism to deal with the judicial reform promoted by the president in Congress. Two months later, he called on the state to protect private property amid a conflict over land grabbing. And then he confronted the Casa Rosada for having cut the co-participation funds to the City. “They want to bring us to our knees,” he said.

Diego Santilli, The vice of Rodríguez Larreta, also severely criticized the idea of ​​Casa Rosada to create a bicameral commission to investigate judges and prosecutors. “It’s a scandal against the Constitution. It is an injury to democracy which threatens the division of powers “Santilli remarked.

In his address to the Legislature, the Speaker said it was necessary for Congress “Assume your role of cross-checking” on Justice. A few hours later, the senator Oscar Parrilli, close associate of the vice-president Cristina Kirchnerannounced that the Frente de Todos will seek to create a “bicameral commission” to investigate the judiciary. “Let society see how justice works and what changes need to be made”, Parrilli said.

Amid the growing controversy, the Minister of Justice, Marcela losardo, puts into perspective today the scope that the bicameral commission could have in investigating judges and prosecutors. “What the bicameral cannot claim are the attributions of other powers, such as disciplinary matters. The judges will not be able to sanction, it is not constitutional ”, Losardo clarified, in dialogue with Radio El Uncover.


Yesterday, the Casa Rosada proposal sparked strong refusals from magistrates and the opposition. “Parrilli wants to create a curious bicameral commission of judges and prosecutors. With an obvious abuse of power, Kirchnerism wants to attribute the powers that the National Constitution gives to the Judicial Council and the prosecution jury. Unacceptable, they will not pass», Assured the head of the interblock of Ensemble for the change of deputies, Mario negri.

Meanwhile, the national senator Luis Naidenoff, president of the interblock opposition coalition in the lower house, has warned that the ruling party is seeking to “intimidate” the judges.

“A new assault to pressure and intimidate magistrates who do not bow to power, such as those who condemned Lazaro Baez by washing or Julio De Vido for corruption ”, declared the leader of the UCR.

For his part, the head of the bench of the CC-ARI to the deputies, Juan Manuel Lopez, stressed that the government’s proposal is “unconstitutional”. “As they fail in the impunity plan, they attack the judiciary by overthrowing the institutional order. Yesterday the president got a bit of shame and he called this witch hunt ‘cross-check’, now Parrilli has got his hands on Fernández’s understatement, ”López said ahead of the consultation THE NATION.

In this sense, the president of Pro, Patricia bullrich, he assured that the government is “Go beyond all limits”. “President, do you intend to sanction and question the judges of a parliamentary committee? Do you want to break the constitutional system? Stop provoking the Argentines: you will find us defending the Republic. It is leading us to a confrontation without weighing the consequences ”, launched the former Minister of Security.


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