Gildo Insfrán to increase the salaries of Formosa public officials by 42%


The government of Formosa accepted a salary increase of 42% for the Public employees, which represent approximately 70% of the active inhabitants of the provincial territory. The number exceeds the inflation level with which 2020 closed -36% – and the average agreement that leads the private sector, which represents an increase of about 30%.

The governor’s decision Gildo Insfran is positioned, at the country level, behind the agreement concluded in December by its counterpart in Santiago, Gerardo Zamora, who organized with the provincial guilds a 47% wage increase, from February of this year.

Insfrán discussed the increase in state employees with the provincial Minister of Economy, Jorge Ibáñez, and announced that it will be divided into three sections. He also added an increase in the minimum credit for teachers. This Wednesday, when the measure was announced, the governor was accompanied by trade unionists and the secretary general of the CGT from Formosa, Hilario martinez.

According to the parties, the benefit responds to the efforts of provincial workers during the pandemic. “An increase in the salaries of provincial public administration staff of 42% is established, according to the following percentage scale and effective from the months indicated: 20% on March 1, 12% on July 1 and 10% on September 1», Detailed Insfrán.

As reported by the province, with the increases, the initial minimum wage for government employees and teachers (before considering family allowances) will be around $ 31,500 in March; in July, $ 35,250; and September, $ 38,800.

In addition, the governor argued that the measures include beneficiaries of the Social security fund of the Province of Formosa, which, contrary to what happens at the national level and in the rest of the provinces, guarantees the 82% mobile for retirees thanks to its financial autonomy.

The measure leaves Formosa close to the national wage increase record, in the context of public employment. At the end of last year, the government of Santiago del Estero anticipated Insfrán’s decision after announcing a $ 34,000 bonus public administration employees, who were paid between December and January, and a 47% increase in their wages from February.


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