Nena Sneaked Into A Business Meeting Due To Her Father’s Zoom And Revealed Family Secret | the Chronicle


Nail girl sneaks into a work videoconference of his father when he stepped away from the screen for a while, and revealed that his parents had quarreled because the man “I had spent too much money.”

The incident happened on February 19 at the family’s home in Ithaca, New York, United States. The man who is an employee of a dietary supplement company called Layer Origin Nutrition, apologized to his colleagues for the negligence, in which his young daughter took the opportunity to approach the computer and show the video call participants a drawing he made in his art class.

The drawing that the miner showed in front of the screen represented “Mom, she’s really mad at daddy” for “spending too much money on the Super Bowl”, the NFL final, the biggest sporting event in the USA

The video of the scene was posted by the company itself on its YouTube account and soon after went viral on social media.

So the girl snuck into her father’s Zoom and revealed a family secret:


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