“My brother-in-law hit me”, she said before dying without naming which couple of her 5 sisters murdered her


More than a month has passed since the death of Teresa Silvana Leguizamón and her family continues to demand the same as they did back then: justice be done, the cause misplaced. Lanús’s neighbor died on January 30 of internal bleeding and a stroke caused by multiple beatings she received a few days before her death.

Before she died, her sisters say, Teresa told the doctor who treated her: “My brother-in-law hit me with a stick on his head. ”

Monica Leguizamón, one of the victim’s five sisters, says that on January 28, Teresa’s husband contacted Evangelina, another of his sisters. “She told him that she had decompensated due to the stress of finding out that one of her brothers-in-law had been in a motorcycle accident. Something that nothing to see. The point is, he completely downplayed the situation, so Evangelina decided to call Nancy (another sister) ”.

Then they called Alex, Teresa’s eldest son, 21 – he had two other daughters, 16 and 2, who the next day went to the house and when he opened the door he found a devastating panorama: “He saw her unconscious mother dying in bed with her baby by her side and separated by a chair. The husband was away, he had gone to work and apparently he had bathed her before leaving. Alex immediately called the ambulance and they took her to the Narciso López hospital, ”says Monica.

Teresa's family's demand for justice in the networks.

Teresa’s family’s demand for justice in the networks.

In the guard, they interrogated her and it was there that, “in a state of semi-unconsciousness,” Mónica said, Teresa said they hit her on the head with a shovel. Two days later, and without coming out of the pharmacological coma into which she had been induced, she died.

The hospital itself filed a complaint because of the evidence that it could be femicide. But then the ordeal of the Leguizamón sisters began.

“We approached the 10th police station and they told us to come back on Monday February 1, because they did not work on weekends. We went there that day and they didn’t want to accept the complaint, supposedly because the hospital had already done so and they had to send an expert doctor to look up the medical history, ”recalls Monica. . The trip continued on Tuesday again at the police station and the next day in court. of Avellaneda-Lanús. “On Thursday, they transferred the body to Lomas mortuary and finally confirmed the cause of his death: beatings.”

Although there are suspects, since Teresa mentioned a brother-in-law, no one has yet been called to testify. “They changed the prosecutor and the truth is everything is very slow. They have already carried out all the relevant investigations but it is not progressing. The femicide took place on January 30, we are already ending February and they still haven’t looked up to read my sister’s case, ”says Monica. And he says they still don’t know which of the brothers-in-law could be involved in the femicide, “but the husband was an accomplice,” he notes.

The demand for justice from the family of Teresa Leguizamón.

The demand for justice from the family of Teresa Leguizamón.

“Apparently he came home from work on the 28th, he saw her lying on the floor, he took her in his arms, bathed her and laid her down on the bed, all bruised with hemorrhages in various parts of the body. Then he says he called EVEN who came to his house but they didn’t take her because “ it was dizzy and nothing more ”, but from what I saw in the photo of the morgue, even the stupidest realizes something had happened to him. my sister, ”said the victim’s sister.

The case is at the Functional Instruction Unit (UFI) 8 of the Judicial Department of Avellaneda-Lanús, specializing in crimes against sexual integrity and family and gender violence, in charge of the prosecutor María Soledad Garibaldi .

According to the judicial inquiry, Teresa was victim of gender violence for a long time that her husband had controlled and restricted her to the point that he did not allow her to communicate with her own parents. “He broke her cell phones and that way nobody knew anything about her and she also played down the situation, which is why we didn’t know anything,” says Monica.

Currently, the family is awaiting a response and justice is present so that he or those responsible can pay for the events. “We only want the immediate arrest of the culprits and that this be a trial with the full weight of the law,” concludes Mónica.



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