Who are the eleven judges and prosecutors that Cristina Kirchner referred to in her judicial statement


Nine judges and two prosecutors were appointed and appointed by Cristina Kirchner in his declaration before the Federal Chamber of Cassation. He accused them of breaking the law and some even held them responsible Mauricio Macri he would have won the 2015 elections. He told them that they approved economic policies at the expense of the country.

The cassation chambermaids Gustavo Hornos, Daniel Petrone Yes Diego Barroetaveña; federal chambermaids Leopoldo Bruglia, Pablo Bertuzzi, Mariano Llorens and Martín Iruzun; the trial judge Julian Ercolini, the deceased judge Claudio Bonadio, tax Carlos stornelli and the Attorney General of the Nation, Eduardo Casal, They were named by Cristina Kirchner during her presentation and her defense for the cause of the “future dollar”.

What did he accuse them of? Gustavo Hornos was wasted for having met Mauricio macri when he was in the presidency. “Every time Hornos went to see Macri, there was a saber on Cristina’s head. And do you want to convince us that you are impartial? Said the vice president.

Not only did she point the finger at the judiciary for having acted in cases concerning her and former officials of her government, but also for having “consecrated the impunity of Mauricio Macri”.

In this sense, he pointed the finger at the federal chambermaids Bruglia, Bertuzzi and Llorens for having confirmed the dismissal of the former head of the Central Bank. Federico Sturzenegger, in a case where the public debt mega-swap that took place in 2001 was under investigation.

Cristina Kirchner again underlined Carlos Stornelli, a prosecutor prosecuted in the framework of an illicit association linked to espionage
Cristina Kirchner again highlighted Carlos Stornelli, a prosecutor prosecuted in connection with an illicit association linked to espionageTHE NATION

To two of the members of Chamber I of the Chamber of Cassation who intervene in the cause of the future dollar, Petrone and Barroetaveña, I point them out for the same reason. “You, Dr Petrone, and you, Dr Barroetaveña, have dismissed the appeal to the Court for the Removal of Sturzenegger, of the country’s serial debtors, those who have committed crimes,” he said.

“Sturzenegger continues to teach at Columbia and Mauricio Macri continues to travel to Qatar to watch football,” complained Cristina Kirchner.

To the President of the Federal Chamber, Martin Irurzun, he recriminated “forcing” the judge Sebastián Casanello – which he called “Dr Casanello” – to open an investigation into part of the money laundering case against Lázaro Báez. He called Irurzun “the author of the residual power doctrine.” This doctrine which has been invoked by various judges to keep Kirchner’s officials in preventive detention.

Concerning first instance judges Julian Ercolini Yes Claudio Bonadio, deceased last year, the vice president, who addressed Petrone while speaking, said: ‘You know Dr Bonadio, because of a rare thing that has happened and has continued to happen … All the causes in Bonadio. Or to Ercolini ”. Ercolini and Bonadio were responsible for investigating all the cases that have been tried against Cristina Kirchner.

Finally, he also questioned, just as Alberto Fernández did in the opening speech of the ordinary sessions, the prosecutor Carlos Stornelli. “Stornelli continues to be a prosecutor thanks to Casal. Stornelli will want to summon Alberto to investigate when he ceases to be president. They continue to want to convince us Argentines that the judiciary is independent, ”said Cristina, who also accused Stornelli of threats and extortion.

Cristina Kirchner dismissed Federal Judge Sebastián Casanello and the "lie" that he was intended to establish that he had visited him in Olivos, a fact which the judge held to be false
Cristina Kirchner spoke about federal judge Sebastián Casanello and the “lie” that was tried to establish that he had visited her in Olivos, a fact that the justice found to be false

Casal, chief prosecutor, received the tail of this section of the exhibit for failing to advance in the investigation into Stornelli’s conduct. Kirchnerism accused him on several occasions of having concealed the prosecutor.

Cristina Kirchner also mentioned the judge Sebastián Casanello, but did not see it as part of the law. She called him “Dr Casanello” and said he was “forced” by Irurzun to investigate her in the case known as the “money road”. The vice-president also spoke of the operation by which it was sought to establish that Casanello had gone to Olivos’ villa to meet with her during the investigation into this matter.


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