Three witnesses confirmed that there had been a VIP vaccination at the Ministry of Health


Three new witnesses have testified in court as part of the investigation following former minister Ginés González García, accused of setting up a vip vaccination to the Ministry of Health under its responsibility. This is a administrative clerk, nurse and driver of Posadas Hospital who accompanied the director of this health center, Alberto Maceira, to the ministry, when they transported the 10 doses of the Sputnik V vaccine that were applied, among other things, to the journalist Horacio Verbitsky, officials and relatives of the ruling party.

They all said before the judge Maria Eugenia Capuchetti, investigate the case with the prosecutor Eduardo Taiano.

The nurse administered the vaccines, the clerk recorded them in the vaccine database, and the driver drove them to the ministry. The three witnesses ratified the statement of director Alberto Maceira who had explained to the judge how the transfer to the Ministry of Health had taken place.

Next week, the head of security at the Ministry of Health and the director of legal affairs were called to testify. For the latter, Justice will ask questions about the context that was taken into account for the drafting of the protocol defining the priorities of those who should be vaccinated, for example, health personnel and personnel considered strategic. Your statement may be important in determining whether there was a breach of duty on the part of officials who prompted not only family, friends, or close associates to jump the line, but officials as well.

In the list presented by Casa Rosada with 70 vaccinated, the former president appears Eduardo Duhalde and his wife, Hilda Gonzalez, his daughters and even his secretary, Carlos mao; also trade unionists, ministers and representatives of the State, such as the public prosecutor, Carlos Zannini, And his wife, Patricia alsúa. With them are businessmen and historical leaders of Peronism, such as Lorenzo Pepe Hugo shorts.

Next week there will be a stronger evidence picture to get a more complete picture of what happened at the ministry and at the Posadas hospital.

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