Priests warn coronavirus vaccine is “morally compromised”


Some U.S. Bishops Advise Their Parishioners To Avoid Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine As It Is Treated, Prelates Say an immoral vaccine because human tissue derived from an aborted fetus is used in its manufacture. His advice is stricter than the Vatican’s statement that the formula is widely acceptable to the 1.3 billion followers of the faith.

The Archdiocese of Saint-Louis, known as the “Rome of the West” for its size and influence, Tuesday, urged its 500,000 members to choose Moderna Inc. and Pfizer Inc. vaccines as their first choice, but to use J & J’s “in good conscience if no other alternative is available.”.

The Archdiocese of New Orleans, with 518,000 Catholics, was more energetic. In a February 26 statement, cited “the misdeeds” of the creators of the vaccine for “the use of cell lines derived from an aborted fetus”. The two archdioceses declared the formula “morally compromised”.

By asking for your comments, Sarah mcdonald, a spokesperson for the Archdiocese of New Orleans, sent part of the guide by email: “If the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine is available, Catholics should choose to receive either of these vaccines rather than receiving the new Johnson & Johnson vaccine due to its heavy use of abortion-derived cell lines. . “.

On February 22, the death toll from the coronavirus in the United States exceeded 500,000, as Catholics around the world celebrated Lent, the season before Easter, the Church’s holiest day. Nearly 25% of Americans identify as Roman Catholics, 2018 Gallup poll finds.


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