Capture an eerie image of the International Space Station next to the Moon


The capture was taken by space photographer Andrew McCarthy. Back then, Modular Space Station astronauts were preparing for extravehicular activity (EVA).

“Indeed, although they are in a configuration that requires them to face the Earth (also the direction of the Sun), half of the panels are seen on the edge. Why is this happening then? “, McCarthy reflected in his account of Twitter. % 3A% 3A% 2MFr% 3Dtwsrc% 5Etfw% 7Ctwcamp% 5Etweetembed% 7Ctwterm% 5E1366105453596303360% 7Ctwgr% 5E% 7Ctwcon% 5Es1_ & ref_url = http% 3A% 2Fcaptia-% 2Fachemial% 2Fachemial-2Fcan-21% 2Fachemial 2F % 2Fcaption-hope-3 -internacional-junto-a-la-luna% 2F

In a subsequent post, he said the oddity was due to the astronauts getting ready for an EVA: “There is nothing to worry about! And I have a rare and cool photo. On my favorite crater (Copernicus), nothing less”.

The photos were uploaded by McCarthy to Twitter last Sunday, February 28. He took them with his own telescope.

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