VIP vaccination: Beatriz Sarlo was summoned to testify on March 10


Beatriz Sarlo: “They offered me the vaccine under the table and I said I would rather drown from COVID”

“They offered me the vaccine under the table and I said, ‘Never, I’d rather drown from COVID.’

That’s what the intellectual said Beatriz Sarlo on television a few days before the existence of the VIP vaccination at the Ministry of Health of the Nation was known.

After the reporter Horacio Verbistky He confessed to having been vaccinated against the coronavirus with the help of his friend, then Minister of Health, Ginés González García, several complaints were lodged with the federal courts of Comodoro Py.

The judge Maria Eugenia Capuchetti concentrated several complaints and began to investigate the case with the prosecutor Eduardo Taiano who accused González García and several members of the Ministry of Health in this case. In Taiano’s second intervention in the case, when he expanded the list of first defendants and established the focus of the investigation, he requested Sarlo’s statement of testimony.

When Taiano asked, she asked Sarlo to tell the court “when, by what means and who contacted her, and if she had heard of other similar cases” to offer her the vaccine. As confirmed at Infobae according to legal sources, Capuchetti has set a date for Sarlo for March 10. Next Wednesday, Sarlo will have to appear on the third floor of the Comodoro Py building to testify. Witnesses have an obligation to tell the truth.

In the case, several witnesses have already stated that this confirmed the existence of the VIP vaccination center. He was the director of the Alejandro Posadas National Hospital, Alberto Maceira, the first to admit that there were two procedures for immunizing people recommended by the Department of Health. Some went to the Posadas and were vaccinated there, while others, like Verbitsky and official lawmakers Jorge taiana Yes Eduardo Valdes, were vaccinated at the Ministry of Health. Maceira also explained that several doses were taken from Posadas in Quinta de Olivos to vaccinate officials close to the president. Alberto Fernandez, among which the secretary of the presidency Julio Vitobello and the media secretary, Juan Pablo Biondi.

The doses applied at the VIP vaccination center, witnesses said, were those assigned to Posadas staff who, until February 24, had not been fully vaccinated. Witnesses assured that there were no written orders and that the indications for vaccination outside of the work shifts corresponding to the people recommended were given by telephone.

Maria Elena Borda, head of the preventive medicine service, Lucrecia Silvia Raffo, director general of medical assistance and Graciela Beatriz Torales, patient care coordinator at the hospital, also testified as witnesses in the case. And they coincided with what was reported by Maceira.

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