The first speech of a pontiff in Iraq | Since …


In the first visit of a pontiff to Iraq, Pope Francisco spoke out against interference from other states that impose their political interests in the country where he landed a few hours ago. He also spoke of the respect for religious minorities and asked for a exit the economic crisis without violence and extremism. “Let private interests cease, those external interests which are indifferent to the local population,” Francisco said. He also called for a reconstruction of the country after “wars, terrorism and sectarian conflicts”. The pontiff began a trip that he described as emblematic, accompanied by a delegation of journalists, Francis planned a three-day visit to Iraq.

From the capital of Baghdad, currently under curfew due to a measure taken by the Iraqi government across the country to reduce the spread of covid-19, the Pope was received by some of the Christian minority who took to the streets with posters thanking a pontiff’s historic first visit to Iraq. Once he reached the presidential palace and Prior to his speech, Francis spoke with President Barham Salih with whom he met in one of the halls of the palace. Iraqi leader was grateful for the pontiff’s visit “Beyond the difficult situation that the world is going through with the coronavirus and that our bloody country has endured”.

“Over the past decades Iraq has suffered from the disasters of wars, the scourge of terrorism and sectarian conflicts often based on a fundamentalism that cannot accept the peaceful coexistence of diverse ethnic and religious groups, ideas and cultures. various “said the Pope in front of the Salih in the presidential palace. This same place was bombed in 2003 during the American invasion. During the occupation ordered by former President George W. Bush, the American Embassy operated there. In 2009, it returned to Iraqi hands and currently hosts the country’s highest authority. After the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and the US military invasion in 2003, Iraq had the presence of military personnel from several Western countries and also from Iran. The United States still has about 2,500 of its troops deployed in Iraq

“I hope that the nations will not withdraw from the Iraqi people the outstretched hand of friendship and constructive engagement, but that they will continue to work in a spirit of common responsibility with the authorities, without imposing political interests. or ideological ”.said the pontiff, who also remembered the victims of violence, persecution and terrorism. Just a few days ago, in Al Anbar, an Iraqi province near the capital, a military base was attacked with a deployment of American soldiers. For the first time since taking office in 2013, the Francisco chose an armored car to navigate Baghdad.

Francis spoke about the persecution of religious minorities, including Yazidi Christians. “The religious, cultural and ethnic diversity that has characterized Iraqi society for millennia is a valuable resource to be harnessed, not an obstacle to be eliminated. “, Held. In this sense, he referred to the country’s efforts to lay the foundations for a democratic society and considered it “essential to ensure the participation of all political, social and religious groups, and to guarantee the fundamental rights of all citizens (. ..) that none is considered a second-class citizen. “

According to Vatican data, there is a persecution of Christians which would explain why the number of worshipers has increased from 1.2 million to around 300 thousand in the Asian country. “The ancient presence of Christians on this land and their contribution to the life of the country constitute a rich heritage, which wants to be able to continue to serve everyone” and “can contribute to the prosperity and harmony of the country,” said Francisco. . “Iraq is called today to show everyone, especially in the Middle East, that diversity, instead of giving rise to conflicts, must lead to harmonious cooperation in life in society”added.

Pope Francis also spoke of the impoverished population of the country
“who struggles every day to seek security and the means to move forward, as unemployment and poverty increase”. In this regard, the pontiff appealed to the Iraqi authorities. “Any effort to create concrete opportunities both in the economic sphere and in the field of education (…) after a crisis, it is not enough to rebuild, it must be done well, so that everyone can have a life decent, ”Francisco said in his first speech during a three-day stay in Iraq.

Next, the pontiff visited the Cathedral of Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad, which was attacked by the Islamic State (IS) in 2010.


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