Pope Francis received proof of the tax that ISIS imposed on religious minorities and the amount charged for the sale of slaves


Pope Francis began his tour of Iraq on Friday, March 5 (Reuters)
Pope Francis began his tour of Iraq on Friday, March 5 (Reuters)

On the flight to Baghdad from Rome, Pope Francis received a copy of the jizia, the tax jihadists demanded from Christians and other religious minorities to stay in Mosul from a Spanish journalist, city in northern Iraq.

The jizia is a special type of tax, levied on non-Muslims living in an Islamic state.. Eva fernandez, correspondent in Italy and the Vatican for Spanish radio GET ALONG, was in charge of delivering this document which shows thea terrible persecution suffered by Christians in Iraq during the darkest years of the Islamic State (IS), the paramilitary terrorist group with a fundamentalist jihadist character.

The journalist also exposed different photos of Christian homes in Mosul painted with the letter “ n ” of the Arabic alphabet, to indicate that they were Christian properties expropriated by terrorists. The letter “nunt” refers to the word “Nazarene” which is how Christians are known in the Quran.

Contact the Pontifical Foundation Help the Church in Need (ACN) from Spain, responsible for delivering the document and photos to Fernández, the journalist assured that the real protagonists of Francis’ trip are the Iraqi Christians, “who have waited so long for a pope to set foot on their cities”. “The possibility of showing these shocking documents to the Pope during the flight is used not to lose the north and to talk about it“Added the reporter.

Francisco received the tests on the plane, on his way to Iraq
Francisco received the tests on the plane, on his way to Iraq

The documents also include a copy of a price list of Christian and Yazidi women, with whom the Islamic State attempted to regulate the slave trade which also took place during the years of terrorist rule in northern Iraq and much of Syria. “I can assure you that I keep getting excited every time I read the price list or see the jizia’s ultimatum”, revealed Eva Fernández, noting that the highest price was given to girls under the age of 9, for which they paid around 190 USD.

Yizia Document

Below is the Spanish text of the dOccupation of the Islamic State Given to Christians and other minorities in Mosul, courtesy of Aid to the Church in Need.

In the name of Allah (God), the Gracious, the Merciful!

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Syria)

Date: 07/17/2014

Commonly abbreviated as: IsIs, Daech.


Praise to God. He consoled Islam with his victory, humbled polytheism by subduing it, and made days of sorrow with his righteousness, peace and prayer come from God who lifts the voice of Islam with his sword.

Almighty God said: “When some said: ‘Why are you exhorting a people whom Allah is going to destroy or severely punish?” They said, “So that your Lord will forgive us. Maybe, then they fear Allah “

We inform the heads of Christians (the patriarch, bishops and priests) and their faithful of the date of their presence, in order to clarify their situation in the state of the caliphate, in the state of Nineveh, if they refuse or no. on the date indicated, they will be informed in advance. And they will see one of these three options:

1. Convert to Islam.

2. Pay Islamic tax to Daesh (ISIS).

3. Leave town immediately, if they refuse to do so, they have no choice but the sword. Or (leave town, otherwise they will face the sword).

The commander of the faithful, Califa Ibrahim – may God glorify him – gave them permission to evacuate the borders of the caliphate by themselves, as the last date they have the Saturday corresponding to Ramadan 21, 1435 at noon, and after this date there is only the sword between them and us.

Glory to God, to his prophet and to the believers, but the hypocrites do not know it.

Pope meets Shiite Ayatollah Ali Sistani in Nadjaf
Pope meets Shiite Ayatollah Ali Sistani in Nadjaf

The Pope condemned the atrocities suffered by minorities

Francis said on Saturday that believers “cannot be silent when terrorism abuses religion”, during a meeting with the representatives of other religions present in Iraq which took place in the Plain of Ur and in which he remembered the atrocities committed against minorities such as the Yazidis.

The Pope went this Saturday to Ur of the Chaldeans, in southern Iraq, a place linked to the tradition of the three monotheistic religions which indicate this point of Mesopotamia as the birth of their prophet Abraham.

In this biblical city and in front of the so-called House of Abraham and the monumental Ziggurat, imposing Sumerian pyramidal sanctuary, Francis assured that “The most blasphemous offense is to profane the name of God by hating one’s brother”.

“Hostility, extremism and violence were not born out of a religious spirit; these are betrayals of religion “Francisco exclaimed.


Pope Francis: “You cannot remain silent when terrorism abuses religion”
Pope meets Shiite Ayatollah Ali Sistani in Najaf: “Christians in Iraq must live in peace”
The symbolic gift Pope Francis received at the start of his visit to Iraq

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