United States: billionaire Joe Biden’s stimulus package approved


The United States Senate approved this Saturday March 6, $ 1.9 trillion relief plan led by the president Joe biden for revive the world’s largest economy, affected by Coronavirus pandemic.

After hours of debate, negotiations and a marathon vote, the bill was approved with votes from Democratic senators, by 50 against 49reported the news agency AFP.

The text will come back next week to the House of Representatives, where the Democrats have the majority and they should pass it quickly so that Biden can enact it by March 14, when end of unemployment benefits from previous help.

“When I took office, I promised help was on the way. Thanks to @SenSchumer and the Democrats in the Senate, we’ve taken another giant step forward in keeping that promise, ”Biden wrote on his Twitter account.

“I hope the American rescue plan receive a quick ticket in the hemicycle so that it can be sent to my office to be signed, ”added the president.

“This law will bring more help to more people than anything the federal government has done in decades,” said the Democratic leader in the Senate, Chuck schumer, just before the final vote.

Never had Congress spent so much money “in a way so inconsistent or after such a flexible process ”, replied the leader of the Republican minority, Mitch mcconnell.

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The Democrats’ plan includes, among other things, delivering $ 1,400 in checks to millions of Americans and $ 350 billion in aid to states and municipalities.

Billions will also go to promote the diagnosis and treatment of coronaviruses and for increase the vaccination rate.

The examination of the text began Thursday with the reading, forced by a Republican, of the 628 pages of the bill, which took nearly 11 hours. Last night, senators began a process whereby dozens of amendments can be proposed and a vote required on each of them, an opportunity the opposition took advantage of to present their complaints.

Biden insisted yesterday it was necessary approve the plan without delay, moderating the enthusiasm generated by the good results in the employment figures.

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It is an “absolutely essential device for reversing the situation, for children return to school safely, offer a life jacket for small business and defeat the coronavirus, ”said the president.

In total he created 379,000 jobs in February and the the unemployment rate fell slightly to 6.2%, but “at this rate, it will take two years” to return to the level before the pandemic, warned the president.

At the moment, 18 million Americans receive a benefit after having lost his job or a large portion of your monthly income. New hires in February were mainly recorded bars and restaurants, hard hit by the restrictions put in place in the pandemic.

Other activities related to leisure and accommodationIn addition to healthcare, retail and manufacturing, they also saw new hires last month.

These figures suggest that the worst of the crisis is over and that businessmen seem to be focusing on the economic “mini boom” expected in the Boreal Spring.

The vaccination campaign is progressing, and massive public aid – in addition to decreasing spending – is putting money into Americans’ bank accounts, so a significant increase in consumption is expected.

In the past 24 hours, the United States has added 62,890 newly infected with the coronavirus, bringing the overall balance to more than 28.89 million infected, according to the Johns Hopkins University. In addition, 2,405 people died on the last day, bringing the total to 522,883 since the start of the pandemic.


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