The fascinating story of the wolf, the father of the dog


An Iberian wolf in semi-freedom at the Centro del Lobo Ibérico, in Robledo, Zamora, Spain (EFE / JJ Guillén / File)
An Iberian wolf in semi-freedom at the Centro del Lobo Ibérico, in Robledo, Zamora, Spain (EFE / JJ Guillén / File)

We know that the wolf and the dog share many characteristics, although at the same time they are very different.

They are similar but different.

They are biologically close to each other but they are not crowded together.

A current dog has many behaviors similar to those of wolves, his direct ancestors.

Two packs of wolves reared in semi-freedom in Robledo (EFE / Mariam A. Montesinos / Archive)
Two packs of wolves reared in semi-freedom in Robledo (EFE / Mariam A. Montesinos / Archive)

Before going to bed, a dog walks like a wolf in nature, crushing the grass, only the dog does not have any grass to crush in the living room of the house but he keeps this wolf behavior.

When an ambulance siren sounds in the neighborhood, your dog responds with a howl, marking his position, location and expressing his loneliness.

Although the ambulance does not respond to him and has little to do with a nearby wolf, your dog behaves like his direct biological ancestors.

Dogs experience their own environment, with a perception of this environment from their own personal and distinctive point of view: the view of the world from the situation of the dog.

A pack of red furry wolves (Canis Dirus) feed on the mink they hunted, while some gray wolves (Canis Lupus) try to access the prey (EFE / Nature)
A pack of red furry wolves (Canis Dirus) feed on the mink they hunted, while some gray wolves (Canis Lupus) try to access the prey (EFE / Nature)

Imagine your dog does not know anything about planet Earth as such, countries, political realities, none of this has to do with his knowledge or with the construction or assembly of his reality.

He perceives his environment from what nature and his biological constitution allow him and translate.

What is perceived of this environment from a very special and particular vision of each species and within it, of each individual, science calls it: species umwelt.

Umwelt then means environment, environment, what surrounds the individual as he perceives it.

Before bed, a dog spins like a wolf in nature, crushing the grasses (Shutterstock)
Before bed, a dog spins like a wolf in nature, crushing the grasses (Shutterstock)

This supposedly unique environment, however, will be constructed and perceived according to the species and within it according to the individual in question.

In this way, for example, for your dog, your figure will be that of the pack leader and for one, your dog will be a prominent member of family affections.

According to your dog’s vision, he is a member of a herd, for us he is a member of a family.

A kind of somewhat schizophrenic relationship that works quite well with its ups and downs but which has finally worked for over 20,000 years.

The same reality and two different conceptions depending on who perceives it and filters it with their biological tools.

Mexican gray wolves rest at the Desert Museum ((REUTERS / Daniel Becerril)
Mexican gray wolves rest at the Desert Museum ((REUTERS / Daniel Becerril)

Each dog, as a species and as an individual, perceives and reacts according to its reality and perception of a particular dog and individual, which is very different from that of the human species and of that of each person in particular.

It doesn’t mean that they don’t feel, that they don’t suffer, let alone that they don’t have a clear idea of ​​what’s going on.

Of course they perceive, suffer and feel but they do it differently, from a different reality, neither better nor worse, just differently, they do it like a dog, no more, no less.

* Professor Juan Enrique Romero @drromerook is a veterinarian. University education specialist. Master in psychoimmunoneuroendocrinology. Former director of the small animal school hospital (UNLPam). University professor in several Argentine universities. International speaker.


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