They discover the secrets of Xibalbá, the Mayan underworld, the final resting place of the Red Queen


    (Photo: Presidency)
(Photo: Presidency)

This Sunday, March 7, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador inaugurated the La Reina Roja pavilion at the “Alberto Ruz Lhuillier” site museum in Palenque, Chiapas.

Site where you can see the tomb that was found in the substructure of Temple XIII, located next to the Temple of Inscriptions, on the site’s Main Square. Its discovery took place in 1994 in the “Temple of the Skull” in Palenque, which served as his tomb in which the sarcophagus which contained his remains in red tones was found and the tomb is said to be in the 13th century.

(Photo: Presidency)
(Photo: Presidency)

“There are men, there are men and women who do not die, who just close their eyes and continue to rule with their example, like the Red Queen”, said López Obrador, during the event.

And he recalled the equality of status among the Mayans, without distinction of sex, where women also reigned.

(Photo: Presidency)
(Photo: Presidency)

These were pieces that were on display from July to September 2018 at the Museo del Templo Mayor, Mexico City and now the pieces can be seen in Palanque, Chiapas.

Thanks to the discovery of the Red Queen, three hidden chambers have also been located and the Mayan ritual has been unveiled. in which the sovereign was honored under a limestone sarcophagus in the center of the room. A psychoduct was also noted, which according to the beliefs of the time was an outlet for the soul, it is through him that archaeologists introduced the first cameras to photograph the mysterious inhabitant, which was also accompanied by two sacrificial bodies, these belonging to a woman and a child.

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(Photo: Presidency)
(Photo: Presidency)
(Photo: Presidency)
(Photo: Presidency)
(Photo: Presidency)
(Photo: Presidency)
(Photo: Presidency)
(Photo: Presidency)
(Photo: Presidency)
    (Photo: Presidency)
(Photo: Presidency)
(Photo: Presidency)
(Photo: Presidency)
(Photo: Presidency)
(Photo: Presidency)


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