The Pope visited the father of the drowned boy in the Mediterranean – News


Pope Francis met Abdullah Kurdi, a Syrian of Kurdish origin, after the mass he led in Erbil, during the last activity of his third day in Iraq, and “spent a long time” chatting with him , as reported by journalists continuing the tour, including an envoy from Telam, the papal spokesman Matteo Bruni.

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With an interpreter, the pontiff “was able to hear the father’s pain for the loss of the family” and expressed his deep regret, according to Bruni.

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Kurdi, who lives in Erbil after the tragedy his family experienced trying to reach Turkey to escape the violence in his country, Syria, thanked the Pope for the “words of closeness to his tragedy and that of all migrants who seek understanding, peace and security leaving their country in danger “.

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The photo of Kurdi, barely three years old, face down on the sands of a lifeless Turkish coast, has traveled the world and exposed the drama not only that Syrians live – and experience – in this warring country, but also when they try to escape the Mediterranean to seek a better life, first in Turkey and then in Europe.

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Three-day historical tour

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Despite the global turmoil that his house caused, the world was no longer open to refugees in general and from Syria in particular after his death, on the contrary Europe completely closed its borders and even signed agreements with Turkey and Libya in North Africa to ensure that these two countries reduce the constant flow of refugees and migrants trying to reach the European Union.


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