“The president is afraid, not physically, but morally and politically”, criticism of the closing of the National Palace


(Photo: Claudio Cruz / AFP)
(Photo: Claudio Cruz / AFP)

The agent Andrés Manuel López Obrador first asked women to participate in the march for the International Women’s Day prevents damage to monuments Yes recommended that it be a peaceful protest.

Over the weekend, a fence was erected in front of the National palace, justified, to avoid provocations and protect historic buildings during the marches on Monday March 8.

Imagine if the National Palace is not taken over and vandalized, what image is given in the world […] It’s not out of fear of women, it’s as a precaution because the conservative forces are very backward, very authoritarian, they infiltrate people to generate violence, to harm, ”López Obrador said in a post he shared on social media from Palenque, Chiapas.

(Photo: Galo Cañas / Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Galo Cañas / Cuartoscuro)

The journalist Raymundo Riva Palacio written is his opinion column for The financier that “the people’s house was transformed into a fortress before the protest of the women against this López Obrador’s deaf ears make him unable to understand: that gender-based violence is a social cancer and that his misogyny and inability to understand it is scandalous“.

The government’s speech during the closing of the National Palace is avoid confrontation, ensure peace and quiet. Although the goal is that historic buildings are not damaged, a speech in which the emphasis is for the second time, because it is difficult to restore them. “It is difficult to remove the paint because you have to ask for permission, authorization from INAH and the quarry cannot be affected,” said the president of Mexico.

On the explanations given by López Obrador, also managing director of the newspaper Central axis, indicated that the president “think a stone is worth more than a woman’s lifeAnd this when previous governments with similar action emphasized that they were authoritarian and governed with their backs to the people.

(Photo: Twitter @ Chelawuera)
(Photo: Twitter @ Chelawuera)

The journalist Salvador Camarena He also mentioned in his column The financier What “the situation, once again, victimize itself. Yes, not even that is able to understand; that the moment corresponds to them and only to them […] Billboards are a symptom of an enthusiastic and irritable government in good times., and we can’t hope for anything different when times get worse. The wall is the least. The problem is the closure of López Obrador, his perpetual victimization, his refusal to negotiate neither a comma nor a candidacy ”.

These fences which were placed in front of the National Palace intervened by collectives, which placed the names of women victims of femicide. From January 2019 to January 2021, according to data from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System, in Mexico there is a record of 1949 femicide victims.

López Obrador had time to take action to tackle the underlying problem and wasted it. It wasn’t because of a disability, but because he didn’t care about women or what happened to them. But he reacted to the response by locking himself in the National Palace with metal and force. The president is afraid, not physical, but moral and political. He is afraid of rejection, contempt, cries of rejection […] This is the real fundamental transformation that Mexico is going through, in the face of the empty and banal rhetoric of those who govern us, ”said Raymundo Riva Palacio.


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