Evo Morales took first-round victory in five departments, but the exit point only secures him two wins


Former Bolivian President Evo Morales (Europa Press)
Former Bolivian President Evo Morales (Europa Press)

The former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, on Monday celebrated the alleged triumph of the MAS in “five departments” in the first round of the regional elections on Sunday, despite the fact that the ballot boxes gave a narrow result which does not ensure this scenario.

We won in seven departments, in five departments in the first round: La Paz, Oruro, Potosí, Cochabamba and PandoCelebrated the former president.

However, according to the survey published by the channel Unitel, with data from Ciesmori, only Cochabamba (50.9% to 27%) and Potosí (41.6% to 17%) can confirm a victory for the MAS, since it requires 50% of the vote, or 40% with a 10 point advantage.

This is not the case for La Paz (37.3% of votes) o Pando (40.2% to 33.5%). In OruroAlthough the distance from second place is very wide, the result for MAS is 39.9%, so we will have to wait for the final scoring to see if it reaches 40 points.

“Evo Morales gives false data on the results at the exit of the exit,” the portal pointed out. Bolivia checks, taking stock of the situation. He also questioned another statement from Morales which ensured that the MAS was in first place in seven competitions, including, in addition to the previous five departments, Tarija (where for now the first force is UPT and the second is the MAS) and Chuquisaca (where two pollsters establish a technical tie between the two main parties).

The official count is progressing slowly and is still not sufficient to determine irreversible trends.

Eva Copa, the political revelation of the sub-national elections in Bolivia, triumphed in El Alto (EFE)
Eva Copa, the political revelation of the sub-national elections in Bolivia, triumphed in El Alto (EFE)

Morales, for his part, added that the party’s goal is to win every second round to secure control of 8 governorates. “Only the right won us in Santa Cruz,” said the former president at a press conference.

The official results of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) will be known within 8 to 10 days.

The worst setbacks for the Bolivian Movement for Socialism occurred in town halls, which suffered defeats in the country’s main cities.According to the polls at the end of the polls: he fell in La Paz, its neighbor El Alto, Cochabamba (center) and Santa Cruz (east), the most coveted political places in the country.

Some 7.1 million Bolivians were called to vote on a compulsory basis by nine governors and 336 mayors and their respective members of the regional assembly and municipal councilors.

Voting was generally peaceful, although in the small town of Colpa Belgium, in the Santa Cruz department, with around 6,300 residents, residents burned the ballots.

The protest was due to the illegal transfer of voters from other cities to increase a candidate’s vote count, although it was not clear which one.

(With information from AFP)


Evo Morales’ party lost in main cities of Bolivia in local elections
Elections in Bolivia: who is Eva Copa, the woman who broke with Evo Morales and who took away her main bastion this Sunday

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