strikes and marches across the country to make gender inequalities visible


“We stop everywhere, we are faced with patriarchal and crass violence. We continue to support unemployment as a feminist tool, as a promoter of what we have imagined on the streets and in assemblies, at work, at home and in beds. In schools, hospitals and neighborhoods “, they say from the Ni Una Menos group, which called for a meeting at the National Congress at 5:00 p.m.

And they added: “We stop because we are not going to let go of the streets, because our strength is collective, because we are shouting enough at patriarchal violence, because we are not going to pay for the crisis with our bodies. and our territories. “

Also the Gender Secretariat of the Land Workers Union (UTT) called for a “Verdurazo” in front of Congress at 4:00 pm.

Under the slogan “we feed the world”, UTT issued a statement in which it said: “We are the workers of the land who historically create food, recreate life, take care of the seeds, we let us achieve the survival of our families with creativity and love. Never align ourselves with the agro-industrial model which reproduces gender-based violence. “

Further, in the statement, they emphasized, “We are the women, lesbians, transvestites and trans who support the caring and the most precarious jobs in the formal labor market and popular economies. feed, produce healthy food and distribute it in community actions in our poor neighborhoods.

Also Union of Popular Economy Workers (UTEP) called on Monday at 4:30 p.m. to demonstrate to demand the sanction of the emergency law on gender violence and the creation of care spaces for the daughters and sons of workers in the popular economy.

The convocation is at 4:30 p.m. in Hipólito Irigoyen and Virrey Ceballos, to then walk towards the Congress.

In various parts of the country, they also organized their marches, such as in the town of White bay, where SUTEBA called to assemble in Plaza Rivadavia at 5.30pm; while in Mar del Plata at 5:00 p.m. and the meeting point is on Avenida Luro y Miter, next to the Monument to General San Martin.

Meanwhile at Santa Fe, it was announced that officials across the province will be released from their posts.

Governor Omar Perotti signed the decree in which it adheres to the commemorations of Women’s Day and grants leave to public officials, except those affected by security and essential services.

<< Le mouvement des femmes dans le pays et, en particulier, dans la province de Santa Fe, a été caractérisé par sa forte croissance, son empreinte et son travail en faveur de l'égalité, ainsi que par la pluralité démocratique, le multiculturalisme et la multigénération qui le traversent >> is one of the foundations of the decree published in recent days.

Also in Río Negro, the governor Arabela Racing, ordered that all women working in the provincial public administration be released from work.

In Cordoba, the Ni Una Less Assembly of that province also called for a march from 5 p.m. in Colón and Cañada, in the provincial capital, “as part of an international day of struggle that will lead the women’s movement. , lesbians, naughty, non-binary, intersex and bisexual trans women and men ”.

The group said the appeal is being made amid “a scene of escalating violence that has already claimed nine lives. femicides in the province in 2021 “.

During its stay in Mar del Plata, the Movement of Women and Diversity of this city, confirmed that the mobilization will focus on the intersection of Avenida Luro and Miter from 5:00 p.m.

And in Neuquen, the march will take place at 6:00 p.m., at the monument of San Martín, located in the center of the capital.

Organizing organizations and unions said some of the reasons for the march were “the very high rates of femicides, transvesticides and transfemicides” and called for “the need for an emergency law on gender-based violence”.

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