“Another accomplice of patriarchal violence”: Mon Laferte’s message to López Obrador


Mon Laferte and AMLO (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Mon Laferte and AMLO (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Chilean singer Mon Laferte addressed a message to the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, through your Twitter account.

The interpreter’s intention was not to confront the Mexican president but to have him analyze the position he took with regard to the feminist movement in Mexico.

“Mr. President @lopezobrador_ With all due respect, I come to ask you to step back and meditate. I would like you to understand that the feminist movement was not created by your opponents and that it is not about you ”, she commented at the beginning of her message.

“It is the revolution of this century and we are the women of Latin America who demand public policies that protect us and guarantee the fundamental right to life ”, added the singer of Your lack of wanting, not without first expressing its desire to change course in the president’s vision.

The words that Mon Laferte dedicated to AMLO
The words that Mon Laferte dedicated to AMLO

“I would like you to be remembered as the first President of Mexico who broke the pact and began with a complete transformation of respect, equality and justice. Unfortunately today, with your actions, history will say that you were still an accomplice in patriarchal violence. Please, Mr. President, please ”, he concluded.

Some recent opinions by the president have raised a wave of criticism from various sectors of society.

In fact, on February 25, he accepted that his wife, Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, should have explained to him what the sentence of “Break the pact.”

“The simulation on feminism. I start to listen: break the pact, break the pact. Honestly, I’m not lying, I found out what it was five days ago, ”the Mexican president began during his morning conference that day.

Yalitza Aparicio in the video of Mon Laferte
Yalitza Aparicio in the video of Mon Laferte

Although his wife told him that it was the “patriarchal pact” that he would maintain by supporting the candidacy of Félix Salgado Macedonio in Guerrero, the president assured that his government had made an effort to break other types of “pacts”, like that of the previous governments with organized crime.

“But when they say they break the pact, well I already break it when I broke the so-called ‘pact for Mexico’ which was nothing more than a pact against Mexico or the ‘pact of silence. Established by those who repressed and disappeared. the 43 normalistas of Ayotzinapa. The other pact does not do it, ”he condemned.

And it is precisely the candidacy of Salgado Macedonio that posed serious questions to the president and to the Morena party (National Regeneration Movement).

Thousands of women have asked the president to "break the pact"  (Photo: special)
Thousands of women have called on the president to “break the pact” (Photo: Special)

Salgado Macedonio has at least three sexual abuse charges against him and although the party has maintained its support.

López Obrador assures that the problems generated by this candidacy were caused by the opposition seeking to attack him.

“Well no, we are in favor of women’s rights. Suffice it to say that the majority of senior officials are women. When did the Conservatives become feminists here? “, was questioned during the same conference where he addressed the question of the “pact”.

AMLO said his government supports women (EFE)
AMLO said his government supports women (EFE)

“I am a humanist,” he continued, “And I support feminism and we are not equal to conservatives. I have no problem with my conscience, ”he concluded during this meeting with the press.


The international press pays tribute to López Obrador for the Salgado Macedonio affair: “Defend a candidate accused of rape”
“The president breaks the pact”: the strong demand to AMLO for the Salgado Macedonio affair
“Now they are disguising themselves as feminists”: AMLO stressed that “conservatives” want to co-opt women’s struggle
The fresco of Mon Laferte which scandalized the Chilean authorities: “She is selfish and individualist”
“It has never been easy for us”: Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller’s message on Women’s Day

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