These are the new measures and exceptions until April 9


The national government formalized the extension of the Social distancing and the standard has fewer restrictions than previously anticipated, although it warns that there may be changes due to the epidemiological situation. In this sense, much of the raccountability to governors and even mayors, which may impose limits on traffic. The novelty is that the municipal leaders will also have this power. The same goes for the “quarantine” that those who travel must do: nothing special has been arranged and each province will be able to determine it for itself.

The new stage of social distancing applies until April 9. Alberto Fernndez He did not impose severe new restrictions, but warns that there may be and that local courts can impose measures. Taking into account the epidemiological conditions and the assessment of the risk and the expansion of COVID-19, in the various agglomerations, departments and parts of the jurisdiction for which it is responsible, The provincial authorities and the AUTONOMOUS CITY OF BUENOS AIRES can issue regulations to limit traffic by hours or by zones, in order to avoid situations that can promote the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. These measures must be temporary and well-founded, and they must have the approval of the jurisdictional health authority ”, specifies the decree.


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