The decision to reduce the frequency of flights from abroad is now official – Telam


The restrictions aim to reduce the risk of contagion.

The restrictions aim to reduce the risk of contagion.

The Official national government this Saturday the decision of reduce the frequency of flights who arrive in the country from abroad and reiterate the recommendations to postpone travel abroad, in particular to those over 60 years of age and to people belonging to groups at risk, due to the situation derived from the coronavirus pandemic .

He did it by Administrative decision 219/2021 published in the Official Gazette, with the signature of the Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafiero; the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo Wado de Pedro; and the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti.

Thanks to this measure, it was decided to keep the frequencies of flights from Mexico and Europe reduced to 30% of the capacity and, henceforth, this same limit will apply to planes from Peru, the United Kingdom. ‘Ecuador, Colombia, Panama and Chile.

In addition, the restrictions that already exist for arrivals from the United States are increased by 10% and 20% for those from Brazil.

The published decision specifies that the Directorate of Migration, as well as the National Civil Aviation Administration and the Ministry of Health, “will coordinate the actions necessary to determine the flight schedules and the number of passengers who will gradually and daily enter. the country, in particular via flights from Mexico, Europe, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Chile, the United States and Brazil, by reducing the frequency of passenger flights by 30% to Mexico and Europe ”.

It is recommended that over 60s and people belonging to groups at risk to postpone their trips abroad, when they do not react to the development of essential activities. “

He explains that this will be done “by reducing by 30% the frequencies of passenger flights to Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama and Chile, increasing in addition to the reduction established by administrative decision no. ° 155/21 the frequencies of passenger flights. The United States by 10% and Brazil by 20%. “

In the recitals of the measure, the authorities understand that “it is necessary to deal with the situation of flights from correspondence centers from which passengers are generally transported from areas informed by the national health authority in its report technique on the situation. Epidemiological in the world “.

They also mention the new lines of the virus detected as well as the situation in the region of the American continent, with the number of infected on the rise in Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.

As noted, the health authority – depending on the epidemiological situation of origin and / or destination – may “establish obligations towards carriers, carriers and crew members, including establishing their tests to determine which ‘they do not suffer from COVID-19, before entering the country, or others that it deems relevant. “

On the other hand, it is recommended that “ nationals or foreigners residing in the country and, in particular, people over 60 years of age or people belonging to risk groups defined by the health authority, postpone their trips to the ‘abroad, when they have not responded to the development of essential activities “.

“The departure and re-entry from and to the country will imply the acceptance of the sanitary and migratory conditions of the country of destination and of Argentina on return, assuming the resulting sanitary, legal and economic consequences”, indicates the standard.

These problems include “the inability to start the trip with symptoms compatible with Covid-19, the need to have a health service for travelers abroad for medical coverage and / or isolation, and report the places where you were during the last 14 days. before entering the country “

In addition, “the conditions imposed by the national health authority must be respected and subject to the control of the province, the autonomous city of Buenos Aires and the municipal authorities, in their respective jurisdictions and in their areas of competence”.


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