Evo Morales after the arrest of Jeanine Áñez: “That the authors and accomplices of the dictatorship be punished”


Former Bolivian President Evo Morales (Europa Press)
Former Bolivian President Evo Morales (Europa Press)

“That the authors and accomplices of the dictatorship be investigated and punished which plundered the economy and attacked life and democracy in Bolivia, ”wrote Evo Morales on his Twitter account after the arrest of former President Jeanine Áñez.

Morales, who ruled Bolivia between 2006 and 2019, left power and the country after an unsuccessful attempt to win re-election in elections deemed fraudulent by the OAS. Months after his return, after the triumph of his candidate, Luis Arce, in the October elections of last year, He was satisfied with the arrest of his successor after his tumultuous resignation.

“For justice and truth for the 36 fatal victims, the more than 800 injured and more than 1,500 illegally detained during the coup”, he wrote, before calling for more sanctions for those who took the reins of Bolivia during the transition between the end of 2019 and 2020.

Jeanine Áñez transferred to the La Paz prosecutor’s office to make a statement

Áñez She was taken this morning to the cells of the Special Crime Fighting Force (Felcc) and then transferred to a police van at the La Paz prosecutor’s office. to make his informative statement as part of the investigation process into the so-called “coup” in 2019 against Morales.

At the time of the transfer, the president described his apprehension as “downright crushed“And told the media it was a”political intimidationAnd that behind this whole process is the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS), the Arce and Morales party.

Áñez said he would go to International organizations from their “former president status“And pointed out that she followed a”constitutional succession“. Meanwhile, the former acting ministers of his government, Álvaro Coímbra (Justice) and Álvaro Guzmán (Energy), continue in the offices of Felcc.

Jeanine Áñez was arrested in Bolivia

Áñez’s arrest this morning sparked a wave of rejection in Bolivia by opposition to the government. Former presidents and prominent leaders denounce start of campaign of persecution this endangers the constitutional order of the country.

Carlos Mesa, who presided over Bolivia between 2003 and 2005, and came second in the October elections of last year, which enshrined the return to power of the Movement for Socialism (MAS) with the triumph of Arce, was one of the most drastic. “We are in a process of political persecution worse than in dictatorships. It is executed against those who defended democracy and freedom in 2019. Justice and Masist prosecutions are the hammer of the execution. The perpetrators of the fraud are granted amnesties and claim to be victims, ”he wrote on his Twitter account.

In another tweet, the former vice president also denounced “The beginning of a process of political persecution, based on the invention of a ‘case of sedition and coup'”.

Former President Carlos Mesa (EFE / Stringer / File)
Former President Carlos Mesa (EFE / Stringer / File)

Another former president, Jorge Tutorial Quiroga, who led between 2001 and 2002, also condemned Áñez’s arrest. “Luis Arce criminalizes democratic constitutional succession by arresting Jeanine Áñez, who took command after the fraud, resignation and flight of Evo (Morales). The succession has been recognized by the United Nations, the OAS, the European Union and Latin America; and approved by Congress, the Multinational Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court of Justice and the elections, ”he wrote on Twitter.

In another post, Quiroga, who was also a candidate in the last election, posted a video of when Morales announced his resignation at a press conference “listening to comrades from Central Obrera Boliviana and also from the Catholic Church”.

Along with the video, Quiroga wrote: “Faced with the political chase, a reminder: for fraud, Evo Morales cancels the elections and resigns from his functions as president on November 10, 2019. It does so at the request of the workers (COB) and the Catholic Church. Not by the fable of the “blow”. “


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