How China Has Done to End Homelessness | The B …


Although many Western hegemonic media ignored the announcement, at the end of 2020, a catastrophic world year, China announced nothing less than after patient, organized and ultra-detailed work from home, family and even individuals (in a country of more than 1.4 billion inhabitants) homelessness eradicated.

The government proposed a 2021, one hundred years after the founding of the Communist Party, no extreme poor. The COVID-19 crisis, which has taken China’s GDP growth from more than 6% per year on average in recent years to 2% (even so, the largest of the major countries), has cast doubt on the role. But they did.

Last November, the University of Congress he published the book online for us China: overcoming poverty, which we write and compile, being also journalistic directors of “DangDai” magazine. Now it’s just in print and Page 12 provides an overview.

We have traveled to China several times, both in large cities and in remote and remote rural and mountainous areas, where the task of overcoming poverty was concentrated: Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Guangxi and Tibet.

The book is the result of these surveys and notes, to which are added the contributions of professors from SISU universities in Shanghai, XISU universities in Xi’an, Suzhou, Jilin and members of the Chinese youth of the Party, one of the groups which, along with the state, the CCP, the government, Universities, businesses, social organizations and volunteers are involved in this work.

Here we reproduce some paragraphs from the book:

“This feat, which, as international organizations recognize, has seen undeniable success in recent decades (the World Bank says 800 million people have been lifted out of poverty in four decades), really has a long way to go. .

When the Communist government headed by Mao Zedong was installed on October 1, 1949, the vast majority of the population was miserable and illiterate. Although the majority of Chinese society, the largest in the world, still suffered from disabilities after Mao’s death in 1976, literacy was a rapid success; In industry, science and technology, China has produced palpable progress, and the land reform launched in the fall of 1950 has already allowed, two years later, that 300 million people with little or no land get their own land.

By 1953, the process was completed, except in areas with ethnic minorities. At the end of this decade and the beginning of the 1960s, the failure of the program called “ Great leap forward ” and of the popular communes failed to develop greater industrialization and greater agricultural production and, on the contrary, caused great famines, which in a way stopped the fight against poverty.

But compared to what China was like for centuries before 1949, and in the context of a communist government, that is ideally complete equality in the distribution of income, the change was enormous and the country was ready for a change. and a new revolutionary impulse for the development of the productive forces was successfully given.

This is what Deng Xiaoping did and on this foundation worked at the end of the 1970s, with innovation, openness and reform. (…) Concerning the concept of poverty, for Deng, socialism was not synonymous, and for his successors, capitalism does not mean eradicating it, but rather producing it ”.


In its 13th five-year plan (2016-2020), the Government included the goal of eradicating extreme poverty by 2020. When the period began, the number of extreme poor was over 43 million people. living in ethnic minority regions, border areas and places with poor infrastructure, fragile environmental conditions and frequent natural disasters ”.


“Between 1980 and 2012, the net income per capita of the rural population increased by an annual average of 6.9%, while the household in the top quintile increased its income at an annual rate of 7.5%. This does not mean that the richest got better at the expense of the poorest, but it created a gap. Extreme poverty is on the way to extinction, but the number of Chinese who are added to the millionaire podium every day continues to increase, as well as hyper-consumption in the richest sectors ”.


Analysis of President Xi Jinping’s book Get rid of poverty, highlights “the emphasis placed on local affirmation, on peoples and their territory; the spirit of the inhabitants. He comes to speak of “hematopoiesis”, using a scientific name to speak of something spiritual, psychic or moral: the creation of blood ”.

De su experiencia en la gobernación de Fujian, el actual presidente escribe: ‘Si la gente se pone a mirar solo la pobreza’, dice, ‘sin una perspectiva histórica, sin una visión de desarrollo, es fácil perder la confianza en sí mismos y self-esteem’.


“The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China started supporting the fight against poverty in Lingqiu (Shanxi province) in 1998, as part of a state plan to allocate certain areas of poverty to each central government ministry. or the CCP department, which shares responsibility for eradicating poverty in these regions with local authorities.

In 20 years, the League has sent 17 work teams to Lingqiu – more than 80 CC officials – who have worked tirelessly and uninterruptedly to lift the entire local population out of poverty. “


“Nyingchi (in Tibet) was rebuilt from the ground up. Although it is still under construction, its capacity already exceeds the needs of the population. Most of its inhabitants lived in the mountains, in extremely modest buildings or in tents, and now they live in large apartments built with good materials and the best techniques.

Nyingchi seems to be a complete demonstration that the government’s decision to guarantee the right to housing is unshakeable. The houses are not sold, but they are available to families in conditions such that no one is left homeless ”.


“There is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to the plan (for the eradication of poverty), which, after the expected target for 2020, hopes to make a new leap in the quality of life of the population in 2049, the centenary of creation of the Republic by Mao.

The plan articulates the issues of health, education, employment, housing, infrastructure, finance and industrial development, and in training plans, the teaching of Mandarin to ethnic minorities and the work of infrastructure to mobilize production and remove it from simple subsistence are engaged statewide, social organizations and enterprises, such as Heng Da and Tai Pu, of electrical and agrochemical supplies, respectively, who work in the southern province of Guizhou, between others ”.


The province of Guizhou “has established links with the Argentina Justicialismo to share experiences in this area. And during the 2020 pandemic, they jointly organized virtual seminars on the issue between Communist and Peronist leaders.

Latin America, one of whose most pressing challenges is precisely the fight against poverty and destitution, is going through a period of political fragmentation, with democracies in crisis and, worse yet, a setback in its frustrating process of d integration and coordination of actions. (…) It is to be expected that in the bilateral relations of each country with China concrete actions will emerge which here imitate – or at least take some limits – what has been done so successfully at the other end. of the world. “


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