Evo Morales executes his latest plan, the one that brings him closer to Maduro and Ortega


Evo Morales started the same path that Nicolás Maduro and Daniel Ortega took when their power was compromised (ZUMA PRESS)
Evo Morales started the same path that Nicolás Maduro and Daniel Ortega took when their power was compromised (ZUMA PRESS)

November 10, 2019, overwhelmed, Juan Evo Morales Ayma he surrendered to popular uprising and internal pressure after committing historic fraud. “I decided, listening to my colleagues (…), at the Catholic Church, to resign from my post of presidencyHe said this afternoon without mentioning the alleged coup that he would later denounce, better informed.

Guarded and protected, the man who was in command Bolivia for 14 years he went to Mexico leaving the whole structure that accompanied it for years in the open, at the mercy of those who would come to The peace. Extravagances, oversights or licenses of that particular new man of 21st century socialism.

Morals fell and embarked on his long marathon back to power despite the fact that it was his own delegates in the country who validated his abdication and the transition that would be Jeanine Áñez in the Palacio Burnt. The first did the Assembly Legislative Plurinational -two-thirds dominated by the followers of the man of Orinoca– where no legislator has spoken of the alleged stroke it was already the subject of analysis and debate in other countries and it was moving. Later, the backup manager was the Supreme Court of Justice. The two powers were largely dominated not only by the Movement towards socialism (BUT, the ruling party), but by Evo.

The TSJ was perfectly clear in his sentence on the transition: “Faced with a constitutional succession, born of the vacancy of the Presidency of the Republic, caused by the resignation of the Head of State and not by an act of proclamation“The circumstances were given to continue the process established by the Magna Carta drafted by Evo. By also resigning from his vice, Alvaro Garcia Linera, the legacy of power fell on the Senate. This was stated in the bespoke book in 2009 and then outraged by the original chef himself.

This simple timeline of basic understanding now intends to change the mind of the BUT, radicalizing and leading once again to Bolivia to a possible political, social and institutional crisis. Much more in a context where the last elections – those of barely a week ago – still do not have final results. History repeats itself in the form of satire, this time in front of the silence of various referents of Bolivian politics.

Rightly for the ruling party, the vote count has stopped: according to the authorities, mysterious the Pirates They acted out of obscurity to demolish a complex system of data collection and, until now, were only worth the exit numbers that magically favor the ex-exile who passed through the capitals closest to America Latina until his return to his homeland: Mexico, The Havana, Caracas Yes Buenos Areas.

During his year of absence, Morals he devoted himself to the weaving of the return. Landed on Buenos Areas, where he found an ideological and political refuge. There he made and undone, and with the help of night flights – funded by who knows who – he moved to Caracas to meet Miraflores and receive instructions. Whose? Of those who whisper in the ears of Nicolas Mature for years. Cubans know the art of forming ruling geological strata like no other in America Latina. They are the same who, frightened, now forbid a song to be sung on the island for having defied the untimely cry of “Homeland or death“.

But in these months of exile Evo there is an enigma that has not yet been dismantled. It’s about knowing the ultimate reason why Andrés Manuel López Obrador, AMLO, the honest ones, did not want the victim to stay in the country. Perhaps he did not wish so close to the real interlocutors of the renounced, the envoys of the island … or he preferred not to realize the complicity of another kind.

But in the last hours Evo accelerated. Taking that same Castro manual, he decided to move forward on Áñez and his ministers accusing them of the same thing they had pointed out to him when he sent his supporters to place barricades which would put the predecessor’s government in chaos and defile the streets of Bolivia: terrorism. Why did the ruling party take so long to do this? Why did you have recourse to this criminal figure and did not prefer to opt for the acts of corruption that were committed during the pandemic? The ultimate goal is to change history and have him decree that it was a coup that took him away from the government. The Supreme Court must use its imagination to contradict itself. It will surely be the case.

However, beyond this goal, voices close to power The Paz clarify the tangled scene: months ago, well before the October elections Luis Arce at the Palace, a non-aggression pact was reportedly sealed between Chief Aymara and “The Jeanine“. This deal had twists and turns, but it was honored.

But despite the many warnings, Áñez He made a fatal mistake: he kept the whole structure of judicial and police power that he inherited. This Amazonian engineering paid homage to Morals for years, always outside the borders. The president did not dare to remove a single traffic policeman. He did not revert to the old Constitution. He kept the state which ended up devouring it on the morning of this Saturday.

The bad news that arrived from the polls last Sunday – and which caused another awaited blackout of accounting information – precipitated this sin of pride in Evo, by which he accelerated his plan to appropriate all the sources of this country. Follow in the footsteps of dictator Maduro who radicalized when his income in Miraflores was compromised and decided to end the opposition and violate the most basic political freedoms of his opponents and the human rights of the people.. He also walks on the path of Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua, another obedient student from Havana.

For the moment, the man who chose Arce does not seem to want to go further: will he dare Luis Camacho in Santa Claus Cruz? The Chief was one of the fiercest opponents who cried out for global fraud! when Morals once again, he wanted to distort the popular will. Will this one take to the streets to defend democracy? At the moment, the bravery and ferocity of Evo seems to be circumscribed only to the female branch, either in the BUT with Eva Cup or in the outdoor arena, with Áñez.

The patriarch of Bolivia He executed his latest humiliation against “La Jeanine” by exhibiting her in a common cell under a poster smelling of the chauvinist conference: “Women“.

Jeanine Áñez, former interim president of Bolivia, detained in a common cell for women (AFP)
Jeanine Áñez, former interim president of Bolivia, detained in a common cell for women (AFP)

Twitter: @TotiPI


Jeanine Áñez asked the OAS and the European Union to send observation missions to Bolivia to follow up on her case
United States urged Bolivia to defend inter-American civil rights after arrest of Jeanine Áñez

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