Bahia once again ranks among the most welcoming cities in Buenos Aires


Guillermo D. Rueda / [email protected]

“Hospitality is an essential element when it comes to tourism. These are concepts which go hand in hand and cannot be separated. Hence the reflection of the positive and interesting fact of the choice of our city ”.

Karina Sánchez, Director of Tourism of the Municipality of Bahía Blanca, shared the survey carried out by one of the most recognized global temporary rental platforms, Booking, which places this destination in fourth place in terms of quality of its services.

Based on feedback from millions of guests, the platform rewards partners around the world in its Traveler Review Awards, to recognize collaborators from 220 countries and territories who have had experiences with the traveler community, both in when it comes to booking accommodation, such as by car or taxi from the airport.

Karina Sánchez, Director of Tourism for the Municipality of Bahía Blanca.

Data on preferences over the past year has shown that Argentinian travelers value the staff above all else; to the cleanliness and the good location, when they comment on the platform of the property.

“One of our strengths is directly linked to human capital,” added Sánchez.

“These are trained personnel who work in the hotel sector and who correspond to the existing academic offer, for related careers dictated at the National University of the South; at UPSO (Editor’s note: Southwest Provincial University) and tertiary institutes, ”he commented.

Sánchez also stressed the cordiality.

“This cordial treatment is reflected in the investigation in most establishments, because as they are not large hotel chains, there is a close relationship between the owner, or the managers of the place, with the customers”, at -he declares.

The local tourism director, who took office on Wednesday, February 17, said the location of most establishments that provide services in the city should be highlighted.

“This circumstance promotes the expectations of travelers,” he said.

“Most of the hotels are strategically located, as they are located within a radius of the city center, with all that this implies in terms of the cultural aspect; of general and / or recreational interest, as well as for gastronomic requests ”, he maintained.

The first place of preferences in the province of Buenos Aires was in the hands of the city of Chascomús, in the district of the same name, located 125 kilometers from the autonomous city of Buenos Aires.

In second place, Pilar, located 58 kilometers from CABA; thirdly, Las Gaviotas, a coastal town in the neighborhood of Villa Gesell, located 480 kilometers from Bahía Blanca and 450 from CABA, and fifth, Mar de las Pampas, also belonging to the neighborhood of Villa Gesell.

The manager, originally from Bahia and graduated from the UNS Tourism career in 2014, assured, on the other hand, that the context of the changes that are occurring as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic must be taken into account.

“The constant changes in consumption patterns have influenced and are influencing the different productive sectors. In this sense, tourism is no stranger, ”he said.

“The emergence of these types of accommodation with digital platforms has in a way revolutionized the hospitality industry, as well as user behavior,” said Sánchez.

“It is something that is developing, but it is true that we must work to integrate equal conditions and responsibilities compared to traditional hotels, so that it does not become unfair competition,” he explained.

“I understand that in this sense, destinations are starting to worry and take charge of the need to regulate and control, through the state or municipalities, the establishments that provide these accommodation services. to tourists. These aspects must always be taken into account, ”concluded Sánchez.

Also on Airbnb

According to a 2019 survey – among customers – by another of the world’s temporary tourist accommodation platforms, Airbnb, Bahía Blanca was ranked tenth among the most hospitable destinations in Argentina.

See: // Bahia, among the most hospitable destinations in Argentina

The ranking was led by the city of Tandil. Other Buenos Aires destinations have also appeared: Luján (second); Mercedes (third); Tigre (seventh) and La Plata (ninth).

Also appeared Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego, in fourth place); Villa Dolores (Córdoba, fifth); Río Cuarto (Córdoba, sixth) and Esquel (Chubut, eighth).

What is it about

In this year’s edition, distinguished 12,360 collaborating partners in Argentina.

To define the list of the most hospitable sites in the different provinces of the country, he identified the Argentinian destinations with the highest percentage of winners (properties / accommodations awarded).

Sites also had to have an above average number of winners to be listed (50 or more winners). To receive an award, accommodations had to have an average rating of 8.0 or more (out of 10).

As the comments are neither edited nor corrected, users of the page can take them as an authentic reference to the experience of a real traveler while staying at a proposed accommodation.

These same comments revealed other characteristics: Argentinian travelers gave their highest scores for the staff who frequented them, followed by the cleanliness of the place and its good geographical location.

The most chosen destinations

The city of El Chaltén, in the province of Santa Cruz, was chosen as the most welcoming in the country -for 2020- in the survey of the digital platform.

The details of the rest of the ten territories are as follows:

—Buenos Aires: 1) Chascomús (125 from the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires); 2) Pilar (58 kilometers from CABA); 3) Las Gaviotas (coastal town in the neighborhood of Villa Gesell, 480 kilometers from Bahía Blanca and 450 from CABA); 4) Bahía Blanca and 5) Mar de las Pampas (also from Villa Gesell).

—Córdoba: 1) Nono; 2) The Reartes; 3) San Javier; 4) Capilla del Monte and 5) Villa General Belgrano.

—Entre Ríos: 1) Concepción del Uruguay; 2) Columbus; 3) San José; 4) Paraná and 5) Concordia.

-Mendoza: 1) Malargüe; 2) Potrerillos; 3) San Rafael; 4) Maipú and 5) Mendoza.

—Neuquén: 1) Villa La Angostura and 2) Villa Pehuenia.

—Salta: Cafayate.

—La Pampa: 1) Santa Rosa.

—Tierra del Fuego: 1) Ushuaia.

– Chubut: Lago Puelo. In this edition, this province was chosen among the 10 most welcoming regions, states or provinces in the world with Taitung Count (Taiwan); Prešovský kraj (Slovakia); Oberösterreich (Austria); Tasmania (Australia); Canterbury (New Zealand); Nova Scotia (Canada); O’Higgins (Chile); Iowa (United States) and Minas Gerais (Brazil).

Traditional image of El Chaltén, in Santa Cruz.

—Santa Cruz: 1) El Chaltén and 2) El Calafate. This is the third year in a row that the two towns of Santa Cruz have been among the most welcoming destinations in the country.

Precisely this year El Chaltén was recognized as the most hospitable destination in Argentina. In the 2019 edition of the Traveler Review Awards, in addition to being the most hospitable destination in the country, it was ranked among the 10 most welcoming destinations in the world.


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