Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on March 15 | Acts …


In March 15th birthday These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out.

1916. One of the great Spanish poets of the 20th century was born: Blas de Otero. The Bilbao poet has published, among other books, I ask for peace and for the word, In Spanish, What about Spain Yes White shark. He died in 1979.

1937. Howard Philips Lovecraft died in Providence, Rhode Island, where he was born in 1890. Author of horror and science fiction stories. His work has been one of the most influential in 20th century fantasy literature. He created a mythology from the figure of Cthulhu and the fictional book Necronomicón, who appears named in many of his stories. Exceptional works: The color that fell from the sky, In the mountains of madness, The case of Charles Dexter Ward, El horror of Dunwich.

1959. Lester Young, one of the great jazz saxophonists, dies at the age of 49. Along with Coleman Hawkins, he played a key role in the development of the tenor sax in jazz. Nicknamed Prez by Billie Holiday, a lot of the best of her recordings are the records with the singer.

1985. Brazilian military dictatorship, established in 1964. President Tancredo Neves is unable to take office due to complications from surgery. The executive is in charge of his vice, José Sarney, which will be in effect until 1990, when Neves dies in April.

1995. When the helicopter he was traveling in fell, near San Nicolás, Carlos Menem Jr. lost his life. Along with the president’s son, racing driver Silvio Oltra has passed away. The event occurs in the midst of Menem’s campaign for re-election. Qualified as an accident, the death of Menem’s son still raises doubts. His mother, Zulema Yoma, has since claimed it was a murder.


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